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421 저널기사 Attitude towards Tourism Development 미리보기
Burns, D. PERGAMON 1996
422 저널기사 Attitudinal Compliance with Ecotourism Guidelines 미리보기
Sirakaya, E. PERGAMON 1997
423 저널기사 Audit category knowledge as a precondition to learning from experience 미리보기
Bonner, S. PERGAMON 1997
424 저널기사 Auditing, hermeneutics, and subjectivity 미리보기
Francis, J. R. PERGAMON 1994
425 저널기사 Auditor liability in context 미리보기
Power, M. PERGAMON 1998
426 저널기사 Auditors' knowledge content and judgment performance: a cognitive script approach 미리보기
Choo, F. PERGAMON 1996
427 저널기사 Authenticity and sincerity in tourism 미리보기
Taylor, J. P. PERGAMON 2001
428 저널기사 Authenticity in Tourism: The San Angel Inns 미리보기
Salamone, F. A. PERGAMON 1997
429 저널기사 Author index/ 미리보기
Pergamon 2003
430 저널기사 Author index/ 미리보기
Pergamon 2003
431 저널기사 Author Index /// 미리보기
Pergamon 2001
432 저널기사 Author index /// 미리보기
Pergamon 2001
433 저널기사 Author Index to Volume 19/ 미리보기
Pergamon 2003
434 저널기사 Authority, power, and morality in classroom discourse/ 미리보기
Buzzelli, Cary Pergamon 2001
435 저널기사 Automated classification of planning objectives for the consideration of climate and air quality in urban and regional planning for the example of the region of Basel/Switzerland/ 미리보기
Fehrenbach, Ute Pergamon 2001
436 저널기사 Automatic basis selection techniques for RBF networks/ 미리보기
Schuurmans, D. Ghodsi, A. Pergamon 2003
437 저널기사 Automatic chatter detection in grinding/ 미리보기
Gradisek, J Pergamon 2003
438 저널기사 Autonomous mental development in high dimensional context and action spaces/ 미리보기
Joshi, A. Weng, J. Pergamon 2003
439 저널기사 Averaging periods for indoor-outdoor ratios of pollution in naturally ventilated non-domestic buildings near a busy road/ 미리보기
Ni Riain, C. M Pergamon 2003
440 저널기사 Axially dissymmetric binaphthyldiimine chiral salen-type ligands for copper-catalyzed asymmetric aziridination/ 미리보기
Shi, Min Pergamon 2001
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