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101 저널기사 Air Transport Tax and its Consequences on Tourism 미리보기
Abeyratne, R. I. R. PERGAMON 1993
102 저널기사 Air-water interface equilibrium partitioning coefficients of aromatic hydrocarbons/ 미리보기
Cheng, W. H Pergamon 2003
103 저널기사 Alcohol and cardiovascular diseases - D.J. Chadwick and J.A. Goode (Eds.), Wiley, New York, 1998, 272pp., (GBP)75 (cloth)/ 미리보기
O'Loughlin, Jennifer L Pergamon 2001
104 저널기사 Algebraic geometrical methods for hierarchical learning machines/ 미리보기
Watanabe, Sumio Pergamon 2001
105 저널기사 Allostatic load and work conditions/ 미리보기
Schnorpfeil, P Pergamon 2003
106 저널기사 All together now: creating middle-class schools through public choice 미리보기
Binder, M. PERGAMON 2002
107 저널기사 Alpine Tourism 미리보기
Smith, S. L. J. PERGAMON 1997
108 저널기사 Alt and Swartz `task oriented nursing in tuberculosis control programme in South Africa: where does it come from and what keeps it going?'/ 미리보기
Shields, L Pergamon 2004
109 저널기사 Alternative base cases in photochemical modeling: their construction, role, and value 미리보기
Reynolds, S Pergamon 1996
110 저널기사 Alternative Tourism and Adaptive Change 미리보기
Dearden, P. PERGAMON 1994
111 저널기사 Alternative tourism and social movements 미리보기
Gard McGehee, N. PERGAMON 2002
112 저널기사 Altitude-resolved properties of a Saharan dust event over the Mediterranean/ 미리보기
Gobbi, Gian Paolo Pergamon 2000
113 저널기사 Aluminium-SALEN complex: a new catalyst for the enantioselective Michael reaction/ 미리보기
Jha, S C Pergamon 2001
114 저널기사 Alumni giving at a small liberal arts college: evidence from consistent and occasional donors 미리보기
Wunnava, P. V. PERGAMON 2001
115 저널기사 Ambient air quality of two metropolitan cities of Pakistan and its health implications/ 미리보기
Parekh, Pravin P Pergamon 2001
116 저널기사 Ambient Atmospheric Trace Gas Concentrations and Meteorological Parameters during the First BEMA Measuring Campaign on May 1994 at Castelporziano, Italy 미리보기
Kalabokas, P Pergamon 1980
117 저널기사 Ambient isoprene and monoterpene concentrations in a Greek fir (Abies Borisii-regis) forest. Reconciliation with emissions measurements and effects on measured OH concentrations/ 미리보기
Harrison, D Pergamon 2001
118 저널기사 Ambient PAN and PPN in southern California from 1960 to the SCOS97-NARSTO/ 미리보기
Grosjean, D Pergamon 2003
119 저널기사 Ambient single particle analysis in Riverside, California by aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry during the SCOS97-NARSTO/ 미리보기
Pastor, S. H Pergamon 2003
120 저널기사 Ambient sulfate concentrations near grand canyon as a function of fluctuating loads at the mohave power project: an exploratory analysis of an atmospheric experiment 미리보기
Switzer, P Pergamon 1996
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