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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
121 저널기사 American higher education in the twenty-first century: Social, policial, and economic challenges 미리보기
Owen, J. D. PERGAMON 2001
122 저널기사 Amino acids in dew - origin and seasonal variation/ 미리보기
Scheller, Edwin Pergamon 2001
123 저널기사 Ammonia abatement and its impact on emissions of nitrous oxide and methane in Europe-Part 1: method/ 미리보기
Brink, Corjan Pergamon 2001
124 저널기사 Ammonia abatement and its impact on emissions of nitrous oxide and methane-Part 2: application for Europe/ 미리보기
Brink, Corjan Pergamon 2001
125 저널기사 Ammonia concentrations and fluxes over a forest in the midwestern USA/ 미리보기
Pryor, S C Pergamon 2001
126 저널기사 Ammonia volatilization from farm tanks containing anaerobically digestedanimal slurry 미리보기
Sommer, S. G Pergamon 1997
127 저널기사 Ammonia volatilization from sows on grassland/ 미리보기
Sommer, S G Pergamon 2001
128 저널기사 An accelerated procedure for recursive feature ranking on microarray data/ 미리보기
Furlanello, C. Serafini, M.; Jurman, G. Merler, S.; Pergamon 2003
129 저널기사 An Adaptive Neural Network: Application to Character Recognition on X-ray Films 미리보기
Hasegawa, A Pergamon 1996
130 저널기사 An Adaptive Structure Neural Networks with Application to EEG Automatic Seizure Detection 미리보기
Weng, W Pergamon 1996
131 저널기사 An air quality emission inventory of offshore operations for the exploration and production of petroleum by the Mexican oil industry/ 미리보기
Villasenor, R Pergamon 2003
132 저널기사 An algorithm for real-time tomography of gas concentrations, using prior information about spatial derivatives/ 미리보기
Price, Phillip N Pergamon 2001
133 저널기사 An algorithm to extract critical points from lattice height data/ 미리보기
Scott, Paul J Pergamon 2001
134 저널기사 Analog VLSI Neuromorphic Image Acquisition and Pre-processing Systems 미리보기
Andreou, A. G Pergamon 1995
135 저널기사 An alternative model for professional development: investigations into effective collaboration/ 미리보기
Burbank, M. D Pergamon 2003
136 저널기사 Analyses of wet and bulk deposition in four different regions of Istanbul, Turkey/ 미리보기
Akkoyunlu, B. O Pergamon 2003
137 저널기사 Analysing the nocturnal wind field in the city of Graz/ 미리보기
Oettl, D Pergamon 2001
138 저널기사 Analysis and dimensional design of a novel hybrid machine tool/ 미리보기
Wang, J Pergamon 2003
139 저널기사 Analysis of Aerosol Composition at Cheju Island, Korea, Using a Two-Bin Gas-Aerosol Equilibrium Model 미리보기
Hayami, H Pergamon 1997
140 저널기사 Analysis of methyl tert-butyl ether in the atmosphere and implications as an exclusive indicator of automobile exhaust/ 미리보기
Chang, C. C Pergamon 2003
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