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1 저널기사 Accuracy of Prediction Equations for Determining 1-RM Bench Press, Squat and Deadlift in College Football Players/ 미리보기
Mayhew, J.L Teviot Scientific 2001
2 저널기사 Accuracy of rhythmic motor behavior in response to preferred and nonpreferred tempos / 미리보기
SMOLL, FRANK L Teviot Scientific 1982
3 저널기사 Activity patterns and physiological responses of elite touch players during competition / 미리보기
Allen, G.D Teviot Scientific 1989
4 저널기사 Acute Effects of Passive Muscle Stretching on Vertical Jump Performance/ 미리보기
Cornwell, A Teviot Scientific 2001
5 저널기사 Adaptations of posture and perceived strain in lifting action through video-modeling / 미리보기
Williams, J.G Teviot Scientific 1994
6 저널기사 Age and Sex Differences in Motor performance of School Children in Ellisras Rural Area of South Atrica/ 미리보기
Monueki, M.A Teviot Scientific 2001
7 저널기사 Age changes in the performance of one- and two-handed manipulation tasks:an exploratory investigation / 미리보기
LINDER, K.J Teviot Scientific 1988
8 저널기사 Age differences in the contribution of selected kinematic characteristics to timing accuracy / 미리보기
WILLIAMS,K Teviot Scientific 1986
9 저널기사 Age-related influences on the kinematics and neuromuscular control of the stoop-lift / 미리보기
Carman, A Teviot Scientific 1994
10 저널기사 Age, stimulus velocity and task complexity as determiners of coincident timing behavior / 미리보기
FLEURY, M Teviot Scientific 1985
11 저널기사 Analysis of a Professional Tennis Player to Determine Anticipatory Pre-cues in the Service / 미리보기
Moreno Hernandez, F Teviot Scientific 1998
12 저널기사 Analysis of the 100-M Front Crawl as a Function of Skill Level in Non-Expert Swimmers / 미리보기
Cardelli, C Teviot Scientific 1999
13 저널기사 Analysis of the Interactions between Breathing and Arm Actions in the Front Crawl/ 미리보기
Lerda, R Teviot Scientific 2001
14 저널기사 An empirical approach to the validation of a criterion referenced measure of motor performance / 미리보기
DOUGLASS, JACQUELINE A Teviot Scientific 1983
15 저널기사 An evaluation of the effectiveness of a variety of data smoothing techniques compared to criterion force platform generated data / 미리보기
Baker, J.S Teviot Scientific 1994
16 저널기사 An evaluation of three segmental methods used to predict the location of the total body CG for human airborne movements / 미리보기
Sprigings, E.J Teviot Scientific 1987
17 저널기사 An Instrument for Quantifying the Hydrodynamic Drag of Swimmers - A Technical Note / 미리보기
Lyttle, A.D Teviot Scientific 1999
18 저널기사 An integrated system for biomechanics designed for small working groups and for teaching / 미리보기
NICOL, KLAUS Teviot Scientific 1983
19 저널기사 An investigation of the relative effectiveness of auditory and visual models in the early acquisition of rapid-fire pistol technique / 미리보기
Rose, D.J Teviot Scientific 1994
20 저널기사 Announcement 미리보기
Teviot Scientific 1985
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