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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Afforestation effects on vegetation structure and diversity of grasslands in southern Brazil: The first years 미리보기
Souza, A. F.; Ramos, N. P.; Pizo, M. A.; Hubel, I.; Crossetti, L. O. Urban & Fischer 2013
2 저널기사 Agricultural encroachment and lack of enforcement threaten connectivity of range-wide jaguar (Panthera onca) corridor 미리보기
Petracca, L. S.; Hernandez-Potosme, S.; Obando-Sampson, L.; Salom-Perez, R.; Quigley, H.; Robinson, H. S. Urban & Fischer 2014
3 저널기사 Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 in the like-minded megadiverse countries 미리보기
Bacon, Elizabeth; Gannon, Patrick; Stephen, Sarah; Seyoum-Edjigu, Edjigayehu; Schmidt, Megan; Lang, Barbara; Sandwith, Trevor; Xin, Jing; Arora, Sujata; Adham, Khairul Naim; Espinoza, Andrew John Rhodes; Qwathekana, Malta; Prates, Ana Paula Leite; Shestak Urban & Fischer 2019
4 저널기사 Alert calling in port areas: Marine litter as possible secondary dispersal vector for hitchhiking invasive species 미리보기
Miralles, Laura; Gomez-Agenjo, Marta; Rayon-Viña, Fernando; Gyraitė, Greta; Garcia-Vazquez, Eva Urban & Fischer 2018
5 저널기사 Amphibian diversity as an implement for Mediterranean wetlands conservation 미리보기
García-Muñoz, Enrique; Gilbert, Juan Diego; Parra, Gema; Guerrero, Francisco Urban & Fischer 2016
6 저널기사 Analysis of the variety of education and outreach interventions in biodiversity conservation projects in Spain 미리보기
Jimenez, A.; Diaz, M. J.; Monroe, M. C.; Benayas, J. Urban & Fischer 2015
7 저널기사 Analysis of threats to South American flora and its implications for conservation 미리보기
Ramirez-Villegas, J.; Jarvis, A.; Touval, J. Urban & Fischer 2012
8 저널기사 An approach to determine the extinction risk of exploited populations 미리보기
Crookes, D.J.; Blignaut, J.N. Urban & Fischer 2019
9 저널기사 An assessment of the efficiency of protection status through determinations of biodiversity hotspots based on endemic bird species, Taiwan 미리보기
Ko, C. Y.; Murphy, S. C.; Root, T. L.; Lee, P. F. Urban & Fischer 2014
10 저널기사 An assessment of the terrestrial mammal communities in forests of Central Panama, using camera-trap surveys 미리보기
Meyer, N.F.V.; Esser, H.J.; Moreno, R.; van Langevelde, F.; Liefting, Y.; Ros Oller, D.; Vogels, C.B.F.; Carver, A.D.; Nielsen, C.K. Urban & Fischer 2015
11 저널기사 An assessment of the use of telemetry for primate reintroductions 미리보기
Trayford, H. R.; Farmer, K. H. Urban & Fischer 2012
12 저널기사 An endangered reed, Arundo donaciformis, in a dynamic urban environment: The need for interdisciplinary conservation proposals 미리보기
Hardion, L.; Barthelemy, C.; Consales, J.N.; Gauthier, P.; Thompson, J.D.; Verlaque, R.; Vila, B. Urban & Fischer 2015
13 저널기사 An expert-based approach to assess the potential for local people engagement in nature conservation: The case study of the Niassa National Reserve in Mozambique 미리보기
Mbanze, Aires Afonso; Ribeiro, Natasha Sofia; Vieira da Silva, Carina; Santos, José Lima Urban & Fischer 2019
14 저널기사 An expert-based approach to invertebrate conservation: Identification of priority areas in central-eastern Alps 미리보기
Gobbi, M.; Riservato, E.; Bragalanti, N.; Lencioni, V. Urban & Fischer 2012
15 저널기사 Anthropogenic impacts in the nearshore fish community of the Yucatan Coastal Corridor. A comparison of protected and unprotected areas 미리보기
Palacios-Sánchez, Sonia E.; Vega-Cendejas, María E.; Hernández-de-Santillana, Jovita M.; Aguilar-Medrano, Rosalía Urban & Fischer 2019
16 저널기사 Application of species distribution models for protected areas threatened by invasive plants 미리보기
Pěknicová, Jana; Berchová-Bímová, Kateřina Urban & Fischer 2016
17 저널기사 Applying a hierarchisation method to a biodiversity hotspot: Challenges and perspectives in the South-Western Alps flora 미리보기
Le Berre, Maëlle; Noble, Virgile; Pires, Mathias; Casazza, Gabriele; Minuto, Luigi; Mariotti, Mauro; Abdulhak, Sylvain; Fort, Noémie; Médail, Frédéric; Diadema, Katia Urban & Fischer 2018
18 저널기사 Applying species distribution modelling to the conservation of an ecologically plastic species (Papio papio) across biogeographic regions in West Africa 미리보기
Vale, C.G.; Ferreira da Silva, M.J.; Campos, J.C.; Torres, J.; Brito, J.C. Urban & Fischer 2015
19 저널기사 Areas of endemism and threatened flora in a Mediterranean hotspot: Southern Spain 미리보기
Mendoza-Fernandez, A. J.; Perez-Garcia, F. J.; Martinez-Hernandez, F.; Salmeron-Sanchez, E.; Medina-Cazorla, J. M.; Garrido-Becerra, J. A.; Martinez-Nieto, M. I.; Merlo, M. E.; Mota, J. F. Urban & Fischer 2015
20 저널기사 Are conservation units in the Caatinga biome, Brazil, efficient in the protection of biodiversity? An analysis based on the drosophilid fauna 미리보기
Oliveira, Geórgia Fernanda; Lauer Garcia, Ana Cristina; Montes, Martín Alejandro; De Araújo Jucá, Janaína Cristina Lopes; Da Silva Valente, Vera Lúcia; Rohde, Cláudia Urban & Fischer 2016
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