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International Association of Chiefs of Police 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Advances & Applications Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about―and benefit from―some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enforcement colleagues around the world 미리보기
unknown International Association of Chiefs of Police 2014
2 저널기사 Advances & Applications Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about―and benefit from―some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enforcement colleagues around the world 미리보기
unknown International Association of Chiefs of Police 2014
3 저널기사 Advances & Applications Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about―and benefit from―some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enforcement colleagues around the world 미리보기
unknown International Association of Chiefs of Police 2014
4 저널기사 Advances & Applications Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about―and benefit from―some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enforcement colleagues around the world 미리보기
unknown International Association of Chiefs of Police 2014
5 저널기사 Advances & Applications Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about―and benefit from―some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enforcement colleagues around the world 미리보기
unknown International Association of Chiefs of Police 2014
6 저널기사 Advances & Applications Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about―and benefit from―some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enforcement colleagues around the world 미리보기
unknown International Association of Chiefs of Police 2014
7 저널기사 Advances & Applications Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about―and benefit from―some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enforcement colleagues around the world 미리보기
unknown International Association of Chiefs of Police 2014
8 저널기사 Advances & Applications Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about―and benefit from―some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enforcement colleagues around the world 미리보기
unknown International Association of Chiefs of Police 2014
9 저널기사 Advances & Applications Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about―and benefit from―some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enforcement colleagues around the world 미리보기
unknown International Association of Chiefs of Police 2014
