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1 저널기사 Abbadabba's picks up gym costs, race-day fees and more to attract the best team members 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2013
2 저널기사 Abt Electronics boosts the bottom line with video 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2015
3 저널기사 Activewear retailer Sweaty Betty amps up web presence 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2014
4 저널기사 Adding Fuel to the Fire Omnichannel model challenges retailers' battle against loss 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2016
5 저널기사 Aeon's chief strategy officer reflects on the Japanese earthquake and tsunami 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2012
6 저널기사 Aeropostale's associates can view schedules, change availability from mobile devices 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2013
7 저널기사 Ahold increases loyalty and basket size with personalized coupons 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2016
8 저널기사 AI Euroflorist sees sales bloom through website optimization 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2018
9 저널기사 Air curtains, LEDs and solar panels green up Market of Choice stores 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2012
10 저널기사 Air Tailor trims online clothing returns 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2018
11 저널기사 Aldo ups its sales game with customer relationship management platform 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2014
12 저널기사 Ambush Board Co. augments e-commerce efforts 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2014
13 저널기사 AMC Liquidators manages business in the cloud 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2014
14 저널기사 ANALYTICS Adidas uses new data collection system to pinpoint problems and reduce shrinkage 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2015
15 저널기사 ANALYTICS : California coffee company uses loyalty data to capitalize on customer trends 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2016
16 저널기사 ANALYTICS Domo's real-time information gives smaller retailers the upper hand 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2017
17 저널기사 ANALYTICS FreshDirect keeps expansion plans targeted with customer data 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2015
18 저널기사 ANALYTICS Goodwill of Greater Washington evaluates program, promotion effectiveness with big data 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2016
19 저널기사 ANALYTICS Inventory integration drives loss prevention efforts at DSW 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2017
20 저널기사 ANALYTICS New data capabilities expand the reach of Meijer's LP team 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2016
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