1 |
Ability of Subsoils to Buffer Extremely Acidic Simulated Coal-Pile Leachates
Zelmanowitz, S
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
2 |
Acceleration of Landfill Stabilization Using Leachate Recycle
Townsend, T. G
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
3 |
Accumulation of Metabolic Intermediates During Shock Loads in BiologicalFluidized Bed Reactors
Zhao, X
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
4 |
Adhesion And Aerodynamic Resuspension of Fibrous Particles
Esmen, N. A
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
5 |
Adsorption of Acenaphthene on Porous Organic Polymers
Eichenmueller, B
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
6 |
Aerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor with Internal Media Cleaning
Safferman, S. I
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
7 |
Anaerobic Biogranulation as Microbial Response to Substrate Adequacy
Tay, J.-H
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
8 |
Anaerobic Degradation of Cornstarch in Wastewater in Two Upflow Reactors
Tin Sang Kwong
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
9 |
Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Pretreatment of Hog Wastewater
Chen, C.-Y
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
10 |
Anaerobic Treatment Of High-Sulfate Wastewater And Substrate Interactions with Isopropanol
Fox, P
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
11 |
Analysis of Structural Features on Peformance of Secondary Clarifiers. Amir Taebi-Harandy and Edward D. Schroeder
Drevinsky, D. M
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
12 |
Analytical Model for Heterogeneous Reactions in Mixed Porous Media
Hatfield, K
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
13 |
Analytical Model of Dual-Media Biofilter for Removal of Organic Air Pollutants
Abumaizar, R. J
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
14 |
Answers-2000: Runoff and Sediment Transport Model
Bouraoui, F
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
15 |
Arsenic Removal during Precipitative Softening
McNeill, L. S
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
16 |
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water during Coagulation
Hering, J. G
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
17 |
Asymptotic Analysis of Intraparticle Diffusion in Gac Batch Reactors
Lyn, D. A
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division
18 |
Attachment Strength of Zebra Mussels on Natural, Polymeric, and MetallicMaterials
Ackerman, J. D
American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division