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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Abasic site binding by the human apurinic endonuclease, Ape, and determination of the DNA contact sites 미리보기
Wilson, D. M Information Retrieval Limited 1980
2 저널기사 Accumulation of a mRNA decay intermediate by ribosomal pausing at a stopcodon 미리보기
Bjoernsson, A Information Retrieval Limited 1980
3 저널기사 aCHEdb: the database system for ESTHER, the ��fold family of proteins and the Cholinesterase gene server 미리보기
Cousin, X Information Retrieval Limited 1980
4 저널기사 Acid binding and detritylation during oligonucleotide synthesis 미리보기
Paul, C. H Information Retrieval Limited 1980
5 저널기사 Acid-induced exchange of the imino proton in G� pairs 미리보기
Nonin, S Information Retrieval Limited 1980
6 저널기사 Activated levels of rRNA synthesis in fission yeast are driven by an intergenic rDNA region positioned over 2500 nucleotides upstream of the initiation site 미리보기
Liu, Z Information Retrieval Limited 1980
7 저널기사 Activation domains of transcription factors mediate replication dependent transcription from a minimal HIV-1 promoter 미리보기
Williams, R. D Information Retrieval Limited 1980
8 저널기사 Activation of enhancer elements by the homeobox gene Cdx2 is cell line specific 미리보기
Taylor, J. K Information Retrieval Limited 1980
9 저널기사 Activation of stress-activated MAP protein kinases up-regulates expression of transgenes driven by the cytomegalovirus immediate/early promoter 미리보기
Bruening, W Information Retrieval Limited 1980
10 저널기사 Adaptor-tagged competitive PCR: a novel method for measuring relative gene expression 미리보기
Kato, K Information Retrieval Limited 1980
11 저널기사 Adjacent GATA and kappaB-like motifs regulate the expression of a Drosophila immune gene 미리보기
Kadalayil, L Information Retrieval Limited 1980
12 저널기사 AFLP-based mRNA fingerprinting 미리보기
Money, T Information Retrieval Limited 1980
13 저널기사 AFM analysis of DNA-protamine complexes bound to mica 미리보기
Allen, M. J Information Retrieval Limited 1980
14 저널기사 Afut1, a retrotransposon-like element from Aspergillus fumigatus 미리보기
Neuveglise, C Information Retrieval Limited 1980
15 저널기사 Age-dependent silencing of globin transgenes in the mouse 미리보기
Robertson, G Information Retrieval Limited 1980
16 저널기사 Allele identification using immobilized mismatch binding protein: detection and identification of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and determinationof sheep susceptibility to scrapie 미리보기
Debbie, P Information Retrieval Limited 1980
17 저널기사 Allelism of PSO4 and PRP19 links pre-mRNA processing with recombination and error-prone DNA repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 미리보기
Grey, M Information Retrieval Limited 1980
18 저널기사 Allosteric interaction of the 1�25-dihydroxyvitamin D~3 receptor and the retinoid X receptor on DNA 미리보기
Kahlen, J.-P Information Retrieval Limited 1980
19 저널기사 Alpha complementation of LacZ in mammalian cells 미리보기
Moosmann, P Information Retrieval Limited 1980
20 저널기사 Altered cleavage of DNA sequences by bleomycin and its deglycosylated derivative in the presence of actinomycin 미리보기
Bailly, C Information Retrieval Limited 1980
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