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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Ability of streptomyces to accumlative the poly-β-hydroxybutyric acid / 미리보기
Kuznetsov, V.D s.n.] 1992
2 저널기사 Absence of growth of the cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes in pure culture/ 미리보기
Dubinin, A.V s.n.] 1992
3 저널기사 Acetate metabolism by Natronococcus occultus / 미리보기
Kevbrina, M.V s.n.] 1992
4 저널기사 Adsorption of heavy metalls by yeast cell walls / 미리보기
Davidova, E.G s.n.] 1992
5 저널기사 Analysis of phagiresistance among pseudomonads/ 미리보기
Romashko, A.M s.n.] 1992
6 저널기사 An anaerbic thermophilic bacterium isolated from an industrial associstion/ 미리보기
Zakharova, E.V s.n.] 1992
7 저널기사 Aplasmid from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans / 미리보기
Tarasova, N.B s.n.] 1992
8 저널기사 Application of electrephoresis in pulsaing diversely directed dldctric fields for the similarity evaluation between three Pseudominas cultures / 미리보기
Kondratieva, T.F s.n.] 1992
9 저널기사 Arevision of the sustematic position of actinomycetes of the white-blue group using the comparative population-taxonomic analysis and emending of the diagnosis of the species Streptomyces cyanoalbus Krassilnikov et Agre,1960 / 미리보기
Kuznetsov, V.D s.n.] 1992
10 저널기사 ATP synthesis by heterptrophic bacteria during the oxidaion of thiosulphate to tetrathionate/ 미리보기
Vedenina, I.Ya s.n.] 1992
11 저널기사 The acetogenic bacteria from the oil fields in Tataria and Western Siberia / 미리보기
Davydova-Charakhchyan, I.A s.n.] 1992
12 저널기사 The activities of free and immibillized Azotobacter vinelandii cells degrading ethyleneglycol / 미리보기
Mogilevich, N.F s.n.] 1992
13 저널기사 The anaerobic cellulose degradation in the Sivash lake and hypersaline lagooons of the Arabatskaya spit / 미리보기
Siman'kova, M.V s.n.] 1992
