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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Adjustment Costs in Factor Demand 미리보기
Hamermesh, D. S. 00 1996
22 저널기사 Adverse selection and regulation in health insurance markets 미리보기
Neudeck, W. 00 1996
23 저널기사 Adverse selection with endogenous information in insurance markets 미리보기
Doherty, N. A. 00 1996
24 저널기사 Advertising Trends: Innovation and the Process of Creative Destruction 미리보기
Zinkhan, G. M. 00 1996
25 저널기사 Advocacy Coalitions, Policy Entrepreneurs, and Policy Change 미리보기
Mintrom, M. 00 1996
26 저널기사 Affine Cost Share Equilibria for Economies with Public Goods 미리보기
Lahiri, S. 00 1996
27 저널기사 Affirmative Action in South Africa: Rational Discrimination According to Akerlof 미리보기
Black, P. A. 00 1996
28 저널기사 After Francovich: State Liability and British Employment Law 미리보기
Hervey, T. K. 00 1996
29 저널기사 After Samuelson? 미리보기
Stretton, H. 00 1996
30 저널기사 After the Downsizing: Building a Resilent Organization in a Radical Change Environment 미리보기
Blohowiak, D. 00 1996
31 저널기사 Against Capitalism. By David Schweickart 미리보기
Turgeon, L. 00 1996
32 저널기사 Age and Work Outcomes: The Moderating Effects of Self-Efficacy and Tool Design Effectiveness 미리보기
Schwoerer, C. E. 00 1996
33 저널기사 Age-test Markov chains for drug testing and detection 미리보기
Boyle, J. P. 00 1996
34 저널기사 Aggregate versus Product-Specific Pricing: Implications for Franchise and Traditional Channels 미리보기
Desai, P. S. 00 1996
35 저널기사 Air transport services and the expansion of international tourism in Zimbabwe 미리보기
Turton, B. J. 00 1996
36 저널기사 Alan Walker (ed.): The New Generational Contract: Intergenerational Relations, Old Age and Welfare 미리보기
Waine, B. 00 1996
37 저널기사 Alcohol policies and highway vehicle fatalities 미리보기
Ruhm, C. J. 00 1996
38 저널기사 Alexander Rosenberg, Economics - Mathematical Politics or Science of Diminishing Returns? 미리보기
Diamond, A. M. 00 1996
39 저널기사 All of the Intervention Eggs Were in One Basket: A Response to Swanson and Zuber 미리보기
Beer, V. 00 1996
40 저널기사 All Politics is Local: The Effect of Fiscal and Monetary Constitutions on Economic Policy 미리보기
Boyes, W. J. 00 1996
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