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1 저널기사 ABB Industrial Systems 미리보기
Teresko, John Penton/IPC 1996
2 저널기사 Adapting to win new markets 미리보기
Palermo, James J Penton/IPC 1996
3 저널기사 Alarm bells? 미리보기
Miller, William H Penton/IPC 1996
4 저널기사 Alarm bells?: The energy crisies of the '70s are forgotten. But, amid today's supply glut, drilling statistics may signal future problems 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1996
5 저널기사 Alphabetical listing, country cedes: An index for the IW1000 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1996
6 저널기사 America's best 미리보기
Kinni, Theodore B Penton/IPC 1996
7 저널기사 An abrupt turnaround 미리보기
Verespej, Michael A Penton/IPC 1996
8 저널기사 An apple for the boss 미리보기
Mariotti, John Penton/IPC 1996
9 저널기사 An idea factory for industry 미리보기
LaBarre, Polly Penton/IPC 1996
10 저널기사 Application of manufacturing execution systems 미리보기
Knill, Bernie Penton/IPC 1996
11 저널기사 Are we having fun yet? 미리보기
Mariotti, John Penton/IPC 1996
12 저널기사 Are we there yet? 미리보기
Taninecz, George Penton/IPC 1996
13 저널기사 Are we there yet?: The intelligent-vehicle electronics market is confronting consumer detours of cost-consciousness 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1996
14 저널기사 At their best 미리보기
Taninecz, George Penton/IPC 1996
15 저널기사 The antidote for reengineering 미리보기
Mariotti, John Penton/IPC 1996
