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21 저널기사 Apaf-1, a Human Protein Homologous to C. elegans CED-4, Participates in Cytochrome c-Dependent Activation of Caspase-3 미리보기
Zou, H MIT Press 1997
22 저널기사 Apoptosis by Death Factor 미리보기
Nagata, S MIT Press 1997
23 저널기사 Archaea and the Origin(s) of DNA Replication Proteins 미리보기
Edgell, D. R MIT Press 1997
24 저널기사 Archaeal Genomics: An Overview 미리보기
Olsen, G. J MIT Press 1997
25 저널기사 Archaeal Histories, Nucleosomes, and Transcription Initiation 미리보기
Reeve, J. N MIT Press 1997
26 저널기사 Architectural Transcription Factors: Proteins That Remodel DNA 미리보기
Werner, M. H MIT Press 1997
27 저널기사 Armadillo Coactivates Transcription Driven by the Product of the Drosophila Segment Polarity Gene dTCF 미리보기
Van de Wetering, M MIT Press 1997
28 저널기사 Arrangement of tRNAs in Pre- and Posttranslocational Ribosomes Revealed by Electron Cryomicroscopy 미리보기
Stark, H MIT Press 1997
29 저널기사 Association of BRCA1 with Rad51 in Mitotic and Meiotic Cells 미리보기
Scully, R MIT Press 1997
30 저널기사 Association of the Origin Recognition Complex with Heterochromatin and HP1 in Higher Eukaryotes 미리보기
Pak, D. T. S MIT Press 1997
31 저널기사 Association of Transcriptionally Silent Genes with Ikaros Complexes at Centromeric Heterochromatin 미리보기
Brown, K. E MIT Press 1997
32 저널기사 Atm-Deficient Mice: A Paradigm of Ataxia Telangiectasia 미리보기
Barlow, C MIT Press 1997
33 저널기사 ATP Binding to the �5^4-Dependent Activator XylR Triggers a Protein Multimerization Cycle Catalyzed by UAS DNA 미리보기
Perez-Martin, J MIT Press 1997
34 저널기사 ATP-Dependent Positive Supercoiling of DNA by 13S Condensin: A Biochemical Implication for Chromosome Condensation 미리보기
Kimura, K MIT Press 1997
35 저널기사 Avian hairy Gene Expression Identifies a Molecular Clock Linked to Vertebrate Segmentation and Somitogenesis 미리보기
Palmeirim, I MIT Press 1997
36 저널기사 The AP-3 Adaptor Complex Is Essential for Cargo-Selective Transport to the Yeast Vacuole 미리보기
Cowles, C. R MIT Press 1997
37 저널기사 The Aqueous Pore through the Translocon Has a Diameter of 40-60 � duringCotranslational Protein Translocation at the ER Membrane 미리보기
Hamman, B. D MIT Press 1997
38 저널기사 The Arabidopsis NPR1 Gene That Controls Systemic Acquired Resistance Encodes a Novel Protein Containing Ankyrin Repeats 미리보기
Cao, H MIT Press 1997
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