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1 저널기사 Accounting Policy Choice: The Relationship Between Corporate Tax Burdens and Company Size 미리보기
Holland, K. BLACKWELL 1998
2 저널기사 Accrual Accounting and the Efficiency of the Core Public Sector 미리보기
Robinson, M. BLACKWELL 1998
3 저널기사 Accrual Accounting, Politics and Politicians 미리보기
Brorstroem, B. BLACKWELL 1998
4 저널기사 Achieving Personal Data Protection in the European Union 미리보기
Pearce, G. BLACKWELL 1998
5 저널기사 Administering Europe? 미리보기
Everson, M. BLACKWELL 1998
6 저널기사 Agriculture: a case study in industrial relations reform 미리보기
Ferguson, J. Blackwell 1998
7 저널기사 Altruism and the Economics of Non-Profit Organisations 미리보기
Gassler, R. S. BLACKWELL 1998
8 저널기사 An Arbitrage-free Model of the Yield Gap 미리보기
Spencer, P. D. Blackwell 1998
9 저널기사 An Econometric Analysis of I(2) Variables 미리보기
Haldrup, N. BLACKWELL 1998
10 저널기사 An economic evaluation of bushfire prevention and suppression 미리보기
Bennetton, J. Blackwell 1998
11 저널기사 An Index Number Method for Estimating Scale Economies and Technical Progress Using Time-Series of Cross-section Data: Sources of Total Factor Productivity Growth for Japanese Manufacturing, 1964-1988 미리보기
Nakajima, T Blackwell 1998
12 저널기사 An Interpretive Inquiry of Accounting Practices in Religious Organisations 미리보기
Abdul Rahim Abdul-Rahman BLACKWELL 1998
13 저널기사 Application of Accrual Accounting in the Australian Public Sector - Rhetoric or Reality? 미리보기
Guthrie, J. BLACKWELL 1998
14 저널기사 Approaches to Stimulating Change in Mature Insurance Companies 미리보기
Johne, A.; Davies, R. Blackwell 1998
15 저널기사 Approximations to the Asymptotic Distribution of Cointegration Tests 미리보기
Doornik, J. A. BLACKWELL 1998
16 저널기사 Arbitrage-free Valuation of Exhaustible Resource Firms 미리보기
Lehocky, M. BLACKWELL 1998
17 저널기사 Are Private Sector Standards Enough? An Example From Public Sector Hospitals in New Zealand 미리보기
Van Peursem, K. A. BLACKWELL 1998
18 저널기사 Are resource-abundant economies disadvantaged? 미리보기
Anderson, K. Blackwell 1998
19 저널기사 Asset Revaluations in the Accounts of UK National Health Service Trusts 미리보기
Hodges, R. BLACKWELL 1998
20 저널기사 `A travel cost analysis of the value of Carnarvon Gorge National Park for recreational use': comment 미리보기
Kennedy, J. Blackwell 1998
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