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1 저널기사 ABA-Type Block Copolymers Containing Poly (dimethylsiloxane) and KetonicResins 미리보기
Uyanik, N Wiley 1998
2 저널기사 Adsorption/Ion-Exchange Behavior Between a Water-Insoluble Cationic Starch and 2-Chlorophenol in Aqueous Solutions 미리보기
Chan, W.-C Wiley 1998
3 저널기사 Algeria's Challenge: Democracy Versus Terrorism 미리보기
Lamamra, R. WILEY 1998
4 저널기사 Alternative functional forms for production, cost 미리보기
Zellner, Arnold Wiley 1998
5 저널기사 Alternative Functional Forms for Production, Cost and Returns to Scale Functions 미리보기
Zellner, A. WILEY 1998
6 저널기사 Analysis and Simulation of Non-Newtonian Flow in the Coat-Hanger Die of a Meltblown Process 미리보기
Sun, Q Wiley 1998
7 저널기사 Analysis of Nonideal Kinetics in the Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate Using Some Complex Initiator Systems Based on a Pyridine-Sulfur Dioxide Charge Transfer Complex 미리보기
Biswas, S Wiley 1998
8 저널기사 An Analysis of Technology, Productivity, and Regulatory Distortion in the Initiate Natural Gas Transmission Industry 1977-1985 미리보기
Sickles, R. C. WILEY 1998
9 저널기사 An analysis of technology, productivity, and regulatory distortion in the interstate natural gas 미리보기
Sickles, Robin C Wiley 1998
10 저널기사 An Empirical Application of Stochastic Volatility Models 미리보기
Mahieu, R. J. WILEY 1998
11 저널기사 An empirical application of stochastic volatility models 미리보기
Mahieu, Ronald J Wiley 1998
12 저널기사 An empirical comparison of new product trial forecasting models 미리보기
Hardie, Bruce G.S Wiley 1998
13 저널기사 An Empirical Comparison of Three Variants of the AHP and Two Variants of Conjoint Analysis 미리보기
Mulye, R. WILEY 1998
14 저널기사 An Empirical Evaluation of Conflict in the Franchise System 미리보기
Spinelli, S. WILEY 1998
15 저널기사 An EMS Target Zone Model in Discrete Time 미리보기
Koedijk, K. G. WILEY 1998
16 저널기사 An EMS target zone model in discrete time 미리보기
Koedijk, Kees G Wiley 1998
17 저널기사 Application of TQM Principles in the International Technology Transfer Process of Industrial Production Plants: A Conceptual Framework 미리보기
Quazi, H. A. WILEY 1998
18 저널기사 Are Non-governmental Organizations Working in Development a Transnational Community? 미리보기
Townsend, J. G. Wiley 1998
19 저널기사 Are the DAC Targets Achievable? Poverty and Human Development in the Year 2015 미리보기
Hanmer, L.; De Jong, N.; Kurian, R.; Mooij, J. Wiley 1998
20 저널기사 Aspects on Prestretching of PAN Precursor: Shrinkage and Thermal Behavior 미리보기
Wang, P. H Wiley 1998
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