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1 저널기사 a-Amino Acid Phenolic Ester Derivatives: Novel Water-Soluble General Anesthetic Agents Which Allosterically Modulate GABAA Receptors/ 미리보기
Anderson, A American Chemical Society 2001
2 저널기사 ABC Triblock Copolymers Prepared Using Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization Techniques/ 미리보기
Davis, Kelly A American Chemical Society 2001
3 저널기사 Abiotic Transformation of Perchloroethylene in Homogeneous Dithionite Solution and in Suspensions of Dithionite-Treated Clay Minerals/ 미리보기
Nzengung, Valentine A American Chemical Society 2001
4 저널기사 Abnormal Pressure Dependence of the Phase Boundaries in PEE-PDMS and PEP-PDMS Binary Homopolymer Blends and Diblock Copolymers/ 미리보기
Schwahn, Dietmar American Chemical Society 2001
5 저널기사 Acceleration of Polyacrylamide Photopolymerization Using Lyotropic Liquid Crystals/ 미리보기
Lester, C L American Chemical Society 2001
6 저널기사 Accounting for Source Location and Transport Direction into Geostatistical Prediction of Contaminants/ 미리보기
Saito, H American Chemical Society 2001
7 저널기사 Accounting for Spatial Variation of Ozone Productivity in NOx Emission Trading/ 미리보기
Nobel, C E American Chemical Society 2001
8 저널기사 Accumulation and Decay of Chlorothalonil and Selected Metabolites in Surface Soil following Foliar Application to Peanuts/ 미리보기
Potter, Thomas L American Chemical Society 2001
9 저널기사 Accumulation of Atmospheric and Sedimentary PCBs and Toxaphene in a Lake Michigan Food Web/ 미리보기
Stapleton, H M American Chemical Society 2001
10 저널기사 Accumulation of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate in Marine Mammals - Perfluorooctane sulfonate, a metabolite of several sulfonated fluoroorganic chemicals, is detected in marine mammals from coastal and remote areas, including the Arctic Ocean./ 미리보기
Kannan, Kurunthachalam American Chemical Society 2001
11 저널기사 Accumulation of Trifluoroacetate in Seasonal Wetlands in California/ 미리보기
Cahill, Thomas M American Chemical Society 2001
12 저널기사 Acetic Acid Diffusion in Polyisobutylene: Probing Small Molecule Timothy X Barbari Structures/ 미리보기
Elabd, Yossef A American Chemical Society 2001
13 저널기사 Acetone Pulping of Wheat Straw. Influence of the Cooking and Beating Conditions on the Resulting Paper Sheets/ 미리보기
Jimenez, L American Chemical Society 2001
14 저널기사 Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors: SAR and Kinetic Studies on w-(N-Methyl-N-(3-alkylcarbamoyloxyphenyl)methyl)aminoalkoxyaryl Derivatives/ 미리보기
Rampa, A American Chemical Society 2001
15 저널기사 Acid-Catalyzed Polycondensation of 2-Hydroxymethylthiophene and Some of Its Homologues/ 미리보기
Stagnaro, Paola American Chemical Society 2001
16 저널기사 Action and Distribution of Organic Solvent Contaminations in Hydrating Cement: Time-Resolved Insights into Solidification of Organic Waste/ 미리보기
Nestle, N American Chemical Society 2001
17 저널기사 Activities of Copper Oxide and Cu-V and Cu-Mo Mixed Oxides for H2S Removal in the Presence and Absence of Hydrogen and Predictions of a Deactivation Model/ 미리보기
Yasyerli, S American Chemical Society 2001
18 저널기사 Acyclic and Cyclopropyl Analogues of Adenosine Bisphosphate Antagonists of the P2Y1 Receptor: Structure-Activity Relationships and Receptor Docking/ 미리보기
Kim, H S American Chemical Society 2001
19 저널기사 Acylation and Related Reactions under Microwaves. 5. Development to Large Laboratory Scale with a Continuous-Flow Process1/ 미리보기
Marquie, J American Chemical Society 2001
20 저널기사 Adaptive Linearizing Control with Neural-Network-Based Hybrid Models/ 미리보기
Hussain, M A American Chemical Society 2001
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