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2001 삭제
W.B. Saunders Co 삭제


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W. B. Saunders Co 2001
W. B. Saunders Co 2001
3 저널기사 Adolescent Occupational Exposures and Pediatric-Adolescent Take-Home Exposures/ 미리보기
Pollack, Susan H W. B. Saunders Co 2001
4 저널기사 Adolescent Varicocele/ 미리보기
Kass, Evan J W. B. Saunders Co 2001
5 저널기사 All Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repairs - The arthroscopic operation for repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tears is successful and has the advantages of glenohumeral joint inspection, treatment of intra-articular lesions, smaller incisions, no deltoid detachment, less soft tissue dissection, less pain, and more rapid rehabilitation. However, these advantages must be balanced against the technical difficulty of this method, which limits its application to surgeons skilled in both open and arthroscopic shoulder operations. This article contains many technical pearls to, as much as possible, simplify and improve all arthroscopic cuff repair./ 미리보기
Gartsman, Gary M W. B. Saunders Co 2001
6 저널기사 Anatomy, Pathophysiology, and Biomechanics of Shoulder Instability - Instability in the athlete presents a unique challenge to the orthopaedic surgeon. A spectrum of both static and dynamic pathophysiology, as well as gross and microscopic histopathology, contribute to this complex clinical continuum. Biomechanical studies of the shoulder and ligament cutting studies in recent years have generated a more precise understanding of the individual contributions of the various ligaments and capsular regions to shoulder instability. An understanding of the underlying pathology and accurate assessment of degree and direction of the instability by clinical examination and history are essential to developing appropriate treatment algorithms./ 미리보기
Doukas, William C W. B. Saunders Co 2001
7 저널기사 Anterior Superior Instability with Rotator Cuff Tearing: SLAC Lesion - Anterosuperior instability of the shoulder may occur from a variety of pathologic lesions. We describe a specific entity, the SLAC (superior labrum, anterior cuff) lesion that involves an association of anterior-superior labral tear with a partial supraspinatus tear. We retrospectively isolated a group of 40 patients with this lesion. The presenting complaints, physical examination findings, surgical findings, and results were isolated. Overhead activities were the most common etiology; load and shift instability testing and whipple rotator cuff testing were the most common physical examination findings. Surgical repair was successful in 37 of the 40 patients. The SLAC lesion is a definable clinical entity with predictable history, examination, surgical pathology, and satisfactory results from surgery./ 미리보기
Savoie, Felix H W. B. Saunders Co 2001
8 저널기사 Arthroscopic Bankart Repair with the Suretac Device for Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Instability in Athletes - Arthroscopic treatment of anterior shoulder instability in the athlete has evolved tremendously over the past decade. Currently, most techniques include the use of suture and suture anchors. However, the variety of arthroscopic instruments and techniques that are available shows the complexity of intra-articular tissue fixation, which includes anchor placement, suture passing, and knot tying. Stabilization using the Suretac device (Acufex Microsurgical, Mansfield, MA) simplifies tissue fixation by eliminating the need for arthroscopic suture passing and intra-articular knot tying. However, a successful outcome is highly dependent on accurate patient selection. Preoperative evaluation, examination under anesthesia, and the pathoanatomy defined by a thorough arthroscopic examination suggest the most effective treatment strategy. The ideal candidate for shoulder stabilization usin 미리보기
Cole, Brian J W. B. Saunders Co 2001
9 저널기사 Arthroscopic Repair of Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears and SLAP Lesions in Professional Baseball Players - Our understanding of the conditions that affect the throwing shoulder continues to evolve. Surgical techniques also have advanced, and the arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff tears, superior labrum anterior to posterior (SLAP) lesions, and capsular ligament attenuation is now possible./ 미리보기
Conway, John E W. B. Saunders Co 2001
