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1 저널기사 Adaptation to Disability Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults: The Role of Assimilative and Accommodative Coping 미리보기
Boerner, K. Gerontological Society of America 2004
2 저널기사 Age Differences in Central (Semantic) and Peripheral Processing: The Importance of Considering Both Response Times and Errors 미리보기
Allen, P. A.; Murphy, M. D.; Kaufman, M.; Groth, K. E.; Begovic, A. Gerontological Society of America 2004
3 저널기사 Age Differences in Emotion-Regulation Strategies in Handling Everyday Problems 미리보기
Blanchard-Fields, F.; Stein, R.; Watson, T. L. Gerontological Society of America 2004
4 저널기사 Age-Related Changes in the Functional Visual Field: Further Evidence for an Inverse Age x Eccentricity Effect 미리보기
Coeckelbergh, T. R. M.; Cornelissen, F. W.; Brouwer, W. H.; Kooijman, A. C. Gerontological Society of America 2004
5 저널기사 Age-Related Differences in Arithmetic Problem-Verification Strategies 미리보기
Duverne, S.; Lemaire, P. Gerontological Society of America 2004
6 저널기사 Age-Related Differences in Response Preparation: The Role of Time Uncertainty 미리보기
Bherer, L.; Belleville, S. Gerontological Society of America 2004
7 저널기사 Aging and Memory Control Beliefs: Performance in Relation to Goal Setting and Memory Self-Evaluation 미리보기
West, R. L.; Yassuda, M. S. Gerontological Society of America 2004
8 저널기사 Aging and Memory for Self-Performed Tasks: Effects of Task Difficulty and Time Pressure 미리보기
Earles, J. L.; Kersten, A. W.; Mas, B. B.; Miccio, D. M. Gerontological Society of America 2004
9 저널기사 An Evaluation of Performance by Older Persons on a Simulated Telecommuting Task 미리보기
Sharit, J.; Czaja, S. J.; Hernandez, M.; Yang, Y.; Perdomo, D.; Lewis, J. E.; Lee, C. C.; Nair, S. Gerontological Society of America 2004
