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Alan Kirman: A non-representative economist
Casella, A.; Thoron, S.; Trannoy, A.
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Alarmist Misrepresentations of the Findings of the Latest Scientific Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
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Alcohol and rape: An "economics-of-crime" perspective
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All change at the heart of UK public sector information management
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Allocating lawmaking powers: Self-regulation vs government regulation
Grajzl, P.; Murrell, P.
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Allocating scarce financial resources across regions for environmental management in Queensland, Australia
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Allocating the CO2 emissions of an oil refinery with Aumann?Shapley prices
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Allocation of CO2 emissions in petroleum refineries to petroleum joint products: A linear programming model for practical application
Tehrani Nejad M., A.
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Allocation of emission permits with leakage through capital markets
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Altered states: The impact of immediate craving on the valuation of current and future opioids
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Alternating offers in economic environments
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Alternative approximations of the bias and MSE of the IV estimator under weak identification with an application to bias correction
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Alternative Dispute Resolution in Energy Disputes: A New Formula for a New Era?
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Alternative measures of output in global economic-environmental models: Purchasing power parity or market exchange rates?
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Alternative measures of output in global economic?environmental models: Purchasing power parity or market exchange rates? ? Comment
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Altruism and environmental risks to health of parents and their children
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Altruistic, egoistic and biospheric values in willingness to pay (WTP) for wildlife
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Amazing discovery: Vincenz Bronzin's option pricing models
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Ambiguous events and maxmin expected utility
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