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1 단행본 The ABCs of debt:a case study approach to debtor/creditor relations and bankruptcy law 미리보기
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Stephen P. Parsons Aspen 2009
2 단행본 The ABCs of the ADA:your early childhood program's guide to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 미리보기
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by Karren Ikeda Wood, and Victoria Youcha Brookes Pub. 2009
3 단행본 Abschlusspru@ferhaftung gegenu@ber Dritten in Deutschland und den USA 미리보기
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Eva Vogt Nomos 2009
4 단행본 Accountability for human rights atrocities in international law:beyond the Nuremberg legacy 미리보기
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Steven R. Ratner, Jason S. Abrams, James L. Bischoff Oxford University Press 2009
5 단행본 Acing property:a checklist approach to solving property problems 미리보기
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Colleen E. Medill West 2009
6 단행본 Addressing rape reform in law and practice 미리보기
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Susan Caringella Columbia University Press 2009
7 단행본 ADHD on trial:courtroom clashes over the meaning of "disability" 미리보기
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Michael Gordon Praeger 2009
8 단행본 The administration of debt relief by the international financial institutions:a legal reconstruction of the HIPC initiative 미리보기
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Leonie F. Guder Springer 2009
9 단행본 Administration of wills, trusts and estates 미리보기
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Gordon W. Brown & Scott Myers Delmar Cengage Learning 2009
10 단행본 Administrative law 미리보기
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Timothy Endicott Oxford University Press 2009
11 단행본 Administrative law 미리보기
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by the late William Wade and Christopher Forsyth Oxford University Press 2009 URL
12 단행본 Administrative law:a contemporary approach 미리보기
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by Andrew F. Popper and Gwendolyn M. McKee West 2009
13 단행본 Administrative law and governance in Asia:comparative perspectives 미리보기
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edited by Tom Ginsburg and Albert H.Y. Chen Routledge 2009
14 단행본 Administrative law:bureaucracy in a democracy 미리보기
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Daniel E. Hall Pearson Education 2009
15 단행본 Admission to the United Nations:Charter Article 4 and the rise of universal organization 미리보기
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by Thomas D. Grant Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2009
16 단행본 Adoption and assisted reproduction:families under construction 미리보기
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Susan Frelich Appleton, D. Kelly Weisberg Wolters Kluwer Law & Business ; Aspen Publishers 2009
17 단행본 Advanced legal writing and oral advocacy:trials, appeals, and moot court 미리보기
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Michael D. Murray and Christy Hallam DeSanctis Thomson Reuters/Foundation Press 2009
18 단행본 Advocacy.2009/2010 미리보기
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The City Law School ; edited by Robert McPeake Oxford University Press 2009
19 단행본 After Abu Ghraib:exploring human rights in America and the Middle East 미리보기
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Shadi Mokhtari Cambridge University Press 2009 URL
20 단행본 After genocide:bringing the devil to justice 미리보기
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by Adam M. Smith Prometheus Books 2009
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