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An adaptive large neighborhood search for the pickup and delivery problem with transfers
Masson, R.; Lehuede, F.; Peton, O.
Executive Sciences Institute
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Analyzing screening policies for childhood obesity
Yang, Y.; Goldhaber-Fiebert, J.D.; Wein, L.M.
Executive Sciences Institute
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Animation: An R package for creating animations and demonstrating statistical methods
Xie, Y.
Executive Sciences Institute
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Apples to oranges? Clearing up the differences between ISO 22000 and ISO 9001 standards
Surak, J.G.
Executive Sciences Institute
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Automatic dwelling segmentation of the Buenos Aires Province for the 2010 Argentinian Census
Banomo, F.; Donne, D.D.; Marenco, J.; Durain, G.
Executive Sciences Institute
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Availability analysis of repairable mechanical systems using analytical semi-Markov approach
Kumar, G.; Jain, V.; Gandhi, O.P.
Executive Sciences Institute