1 |
Ambition Is Nothing Without Focus: Compensating for Negative Transfer of Experience in R&D
Ghosh, A.; Martin, X.; Pennings, J.M.; Wezel, F.C.
Institute of Management Sciences
2 |
Ambivalence in Organizations: A Multilevel Approach
Ashforth, B.E.; Rogers, K.M.; Pratt, M.G.; Pradies, C.
Institute of Management Sciences
3 |
An Agency Theory of the Division of Managerial Labor
Ross, D.G.
Institute of Management Sciences
4 |
Analysis of Product Rollover Strategies in the Presence of Strategic Customers
Liang, C.; Cakanyildirim, M.; Sethi, S.P.
Institute of Management Sciences]
5 |
Analyst Recommendations, Mutual Fund Herding, and Overreaction in Stock Prices
Brown, N.C.; Wei, K.D.; Wermers, R.
Institute of Management Sciences]
6 |
An Embedded Mode! of Cultural Adaptation in Global Teams
Cramton, C.D.; Hinds, P.J.
Institute of Management Sciences
7 |
An Empirical Analysis of Digital Music Bundling Strategies
Danaher, B.; Huang, Y.; Smith, M.D.; Telang, R.
Institute of Management Sciences]
8 |
An Image of Who We Might Become: Vision Communication, Possible Selves, and Vision Pursuit
Stam, D.; Lord, R.G.; van Knippenberg, D.; Wisse, B.
Institute of Management Sciences
9 |
An Organizational Perspective on Patenting and Open Innovation
Bhaskarabhatla, A.; Hegde, D.
Institute of Management Sciences
10 |
Are Consumers Strategic? Structural Estimation from the Air-Travel Industry
Li, J.; Granados, N.; Netessine, S.
Institute of Management Sciences]
11 |
Authenticity and Consumer Value Ratings: Empirical Tests from the Restaurant Domain
Kovacs, B.; Carroll, G.R.; Lehman, D.W.
Institute of Management Sciences
12 |
Autonomy or Control? Organizational Architecture and Corporate Attention to Stakeholders
Crilly, D.; Sloan, P.
Institute of Management Sciences
13 |
The Ability of Global Stock Exchange Mechanisms to Mitigate Home Bias: Evidence from Euronext
Pownall, G.; Vulcheva, M.; Wang, X.
Institute of Management Sciences]
14 |
The Assortment Packing Problem: Multiperiod Assortment Planning for Short-Lived Products
Caro, F.; Martinez-de-Albeniz, V.; Rusmevichientong, P.
Institute of Management Sciences]