1 |
Advertising or games? Advergames on the internet gaming sites targeting children
An, S.; Kang, H.
World advertising research center
2 |
Advertising strategies for charities
Kim, Namin
World advertising research center
3 |
Advertising strategies for charities: promoting consumers' donation of time versus money
Kim, N.
World advertising research center
4 |
Age dependent effects of food advergame brand integration and interactivity
Rifon, N.J.; Quilliam, E.T.; Paek, H.-J.; Weatherspoon, L.J.; Kim, S.-K.; Smreker, K.C.
World advertising research center
5 |
An assessment of direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical advertising spending
Cheong, Y.; Kim, K.
World advertising research center
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Applying the future time perspective scale to advertising research
Kuppelwieser, V.G.; Sarstedt, M.
World advertising research center
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Are contextual advertisements effective?
Yeun Chun, Kwang; Hee Song, Ji; Hollenbeck, Candice R.; Lee, Jong-Ho
World advertising research center
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Are contextual advertisements effective? The moderating role of complexity in banner advertising
Chun, K.Y.; Song, J.H.; Hollenbeck, C.R.; Lee, J.-H.
World advertising research center
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Attributes of background music and consumers’ responses to TV commercials
Hee Park, Hyun; Kwan Park, Jai; Ok Jeon, Jung
World advertising research center
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Attributes of background music and consumers' responses to TV commercials: the moderating effect of consumer involvement
Park, H.H.; Park, J.K.; Jeon, J.O.
World advertising research center