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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Affective commitment of employees designated as talent: signalling perceived organisational support 미리보기
Gelens, J.; Dries, N.; Hofmans, J.; Pepermans, R. Inderscience 2015
2 저널기사 Ambidexterity and intellectual capital architectures for developing dynamic capabilities: towards a research agenda 미리보기
Pasamar, S.; Lopez-Cabrales, A.; Valle-Cabrales, R. Inderscience 2015
3 저널기사 An EOQ model for imperfect quality items with multiple quality characteristic screening and shortage backordering 미리보기
Tai, A.H. Inderscience 2015
4 저널기사 An exact algorithm for the single machine problem with unavailability periods 미리보기
Gharbi, A.; Labidi, M.; Haouari, M. Inderscience 2015
5 저널기사 An explorative study on family firms and open innovation breadth: do non-family managers make the difference? 미리보기
Lazzarotti, V.; Pellegrini, L. Inderscience 2015
6 저널기사 Antecedents of innovation and contextual relationship 미리보기
Dubey, R.; Sonwaney, V.; Aital, P.; Venkatesh, V.G.; Ali, S.S. Inderscience 2015
7 저널기사 Attributes influencing information search for college choice: an exploratory study 미리보기
Verghese, A.; Kamalanabhan, T.J. Inderscience 2015
8 저널기사 The assessment of intellectual capital for the information and communication technology industry in Taiwan applying a hybrid MCDM model 미리보기
Chen, J.K.; Chen, I.S. Inderscience 2015
