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1 저널기사 Accounting Rules and Post-Acquisition Profitability in Business Combinations 미리보기
Dickinson, Victoria; Wangerin, Daniel D.; Wild, John J. American Accounting Association 2016
2 저널기사 Analysts, Macroeconomic News, and the Benefit of Active In-House Economists 미리보기
Hugon, Artur; Kumar, Alok; Lin, An-Ping American Accounting Association. 2016
3 저널기사 An Analysis of Firms' Self-Reported Anticorruption Efforts 미리보기
Healy, Paul M.; Serafeim, George American Accounting Association. 2016
4 저널기사 Annual Report and Editorial Commentary for The Accounting Review 미리보기
unknown American Accounting Association. 2016
5 저널기사 Applying Variance Analysis to Understand California Hospitals' Expense Recovery Status by Patient Groups 미리보기
Bai, Ge American Accounting Association 2016
6 저널기사 Asymmetric Effects of Regulation FD on Management Earnings Forecasts 미리보기
Heflin, Frank; Kross, William J.; Suk, Inho American Accounting Association. 2016
7 저널기사 Attracting Applicants for In-House and Outsourced Internal Audit Positions: Views from External Auditors 미리보기
Bartlett, Geoffrey D.; Kremin, Joleen; Saunders, K. Kelli; Wood, David A. American Accounting Association 2016
8 저널기사 Auditors' Organizational Commitment, Burnout, and Turnover Intention: A Replication 미리보기
Cannon, Nathan H.; Herda, David N. American Accounting Association 2016
9 저널기사 Auditors' Risk Assessments: The Effects of Elicitation Approach and Assertion Framing 미리보기
Mock, Theodore J.; Fukukawa, Hironori American Accounting Association 2016
10 저널기사 The Association between Executive Pay Structure and the Transparency of Restatement Disclosures 미리보기
Hogan, Brian; Jonas, Gregory A. American Accounting Association 2016
