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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Accusatorial and information-gathering interview and interrogation methods: a multi-country comparison 미리보기
Miller, Jeaneé C.; Redlich, Allison D.; Kelly, Christopher E. Harwood Academic Publishers 2018
2 저널기사 Adapting measures of social climate for use with individuals with intellectual developmental disability in forensic settings 미리보기
Bell, Natalie; Tonkin, Matthew; Chester, Verity; Craig, Leam Harwood Academic Publishers 2018
3 저널기사 Affective neuroscience: a primer with implications for forensic psychology 미리보기
Grimshaw, Gina M. Harwood Academic Publishers 2018
4 저널기사 An analysis of how the police 'caution' is presented to juvenile suspects in England 미리보기
Sim, Megan Pei Ying; Lamb, Michael E. Harwood Academic Publishers 2018
5 저널기사 An archival analysis of sexual assault victims' age estimation accuracy when describing stranger offenders 미리보기
Thorley, Craig; Almond, Louise; Gregory, Adam; McAlonan, Vanessa; McLoughlin, Amy Harwood Academic Publishers 2018
6 저널기사 Animal abuse proclivity: behavioral, personality and regulatory factors associated with varying levels of severity 미리보기
Parfitt, Charlotte Hannah; Alleyne, Emma Harwood Academic Publishers 2018
7 저널기사 Associations between different motivations for animal cruelty, methods of animal cruelty and facets of impulsivity 미리보기
Newberry, Michelle Harwood Academic Publishers 2018
8 저널기사 Associations between different motivations for animal cruelty, methods of animal cruelty and facets of impulsivity 미리보기
Newberry, Michelle Harwood Academic Publishers 2018
9 저널기사 Avoiding blame when violating traffic rules: the development and validation of the justifications of traffic violations scale 미리보기
Holman, Andrei C.; Popusoi, Simona A. Harwood Academic Publishers 2018
