1 |
Acquisitions, Node Collapse, and Network Revolution
Hernandez, Exequiel; Menon, Anoop
Institute of Management Sciences]
2 |
Advertiser Prominence Effects in Search Advertising
Jeziorski, Przemysław; Moorthy, Sridhar
Institute of Management Sciences]
3 |
Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media: Evidence from Facebook
Lee, Dokyun; Hosanagar, Kartik; Nair, Harikesh S.
Institute of Management Sciences]
4 |
Aeromedical Battlefield Evacuation Under Endogenous Uncertainty in Casualty Delivery Times
Lejeune, Miguel A.; Margot, Francois
Institute of Management Sciences]
5 |
Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles: A Topic Modeling Approach
Huang, Allen H.; Lehavy, Reuven; Zang, Amy Y.; Zheng, Rong
Institute of Management Sciences]
6 |
Analysts' Reputational Concerns, Self-Censoring, and the International Dispersion Effect
Hwang, Chuan-Yang; Li, Yuan
Institute of Management Sciences]
7 |
An Analysis of Organizational Structure in Process Variation
Zhang, Dingyu; Bhuiyan, Nadia; Kong, Linghua
Institute of Management Sciences
8 |
An Empirical Analysis of Self Enforcement Mechanisms: Evidence from Hotel Franchising
Kosová, Renáta; Sertsios, Giorgo
Institute of Management Sciences]
9 |
An Experimental Investigation of Managing Quality Through Monetary and Relational Incentives
Davis, Andrew M.; Hyndman, Kyle
Institute of Management Sciences]
10 |
Anticipated Entry and Entry Deterrence: Evidence from the American Casino Industry
Cookson, J. Anthony
Institute of Management Sciences]
11 |
Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Perishable Inventory Systems with Positive Lead Times
Chao, Xiuli; Gong, Xiting; Shi, Cong; Yang, Chaolin; Zhang, Huanan; Zhou, Sean X.
Institute of Management Sciences]
12 |
Are All Spillovers Created Equal? A Network Perspective on Information Technology Labor Movements
Wu, Lynn; Jin, Fujie; Hitt, Lorin M.
Institute of Management Sciences]
13 |
Are Immigrants Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from the Audit Industry
Aobdia, Daniel; Srivastava, Anup; Wang, Erqiu
Institute of Management Sciences]
14 |
Are Markets with Loss-Averse Consumers More Sensitive to Losses?
Hu, Zhenyu; Nasiry, Javad
Institute of Management Sciences]
15 |
Assessing Fair Lending Risks Using Race/Ethnicity Proxies
Zhang, Yan
Institute of Management Sciences]
16 |
Asset Pricing with Spatial Interaction
Kou, Steven; Peng, Xianhua; Zhong, Haowen
Institute of Management Sciences]
17 |
Asymmetry and Ambiguity in Newsvendor Models
Natarajan, Karthik; Sim, Melvyn; Uichanco, Joline
Institute of Management Sciences]
18 |
Asymptotic Optimality of Tailored Base-Surge Policies in Dual-Sourcing Inventory Systems
Xin, Linwei; Goldberg, David A.
Institute of Management Sciences]
19 |
Automated Earnings Forecasts: Beat Analysts or Combine and Conquer?
Ball, Ryan T.; Ghysels, Eric
Institute of Management Sciences]
20 |
Avoiding High Opportunism Is Easy, Achieving Low Opportunism Is Not: A QCA Study on Curbing Opportunism in Buyer—Supplier Relationships
Mellewigt, Thomas; Hoetker, Glenn; Lütkewitte, Martina
Institute of Management Sciences