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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 단행본 Abendla@ndische Rechtsphilosophie:ihre Grundlagen und Hauptprobleme in geschichtlicher Schau 미리보기
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by Alfred Verdross Springer 1963
2 단행본 Abuse of dominant position:new interpretation, new enforcement mechanisms? 미리보기
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edited by Mark-Oliver Mackenrodt, Beatriz Conde Gallego and Stefan Enchelmaier Springer 2008
3 단행본 The administration of debt relief by the international financial institutions:a legal reconstruction of the HIPC initiative 미리보기
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Leonie F. Guder Springer 2009
4 단행본 Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Robo-Justice 미리보기
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Georgios I. Zekos Springer 2022
5 단행본 AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems : AICOL 2013 international workshops, AICOL-IV@IVR, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, July 21-27, 2013 and AICOL-V@SINTELNET-JURIX, Bologna, Italy, December 11, 2013, revised selected papers 미리보기
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Pompeu Casanovas [and three others] (eds.) Springer 2014
6 단행본 AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems : complex systems, the semantic web, ontologies, argumentation, and dialogue : international workshops AICOL-I/IVR-XXIV, Beijing, China, September 19, 2009, and, AICOL-II/JURIX 200, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, December 16, 2009 : revised selected pa 미리보기
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Pompeu Casanovas ... [et al.] (eds.) Springer 2010
7 단행본 AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems : models and ethical challenges for legal systems, legal language and legal ontologies, argumentation and software agents : international workshop AICOL-III, held as part of the 25th IVR Congress Frankfurt am Main, Germany, August 15-16, 2011 : revi 미리보기
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Monica Palmirani, Ugo Pagallo, Pompeu Casanovas, Giovanni Sartor (eds.) Springer 2012
8 단행본 Akkreditierung und Zertifizierung im Produktsicherheitsrecht:zur Entwicklung einer neuen europa@ischen Verwaltungsstruktur 미리보기
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Hans C. Ro@hl Springer 2000
9 단행본 Allgemeine Geschaftsbedingungen und Vertrage fur Unternehmen:Chancen und Risiken 미리보기
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Christoph Schmitt ; Detlef Ulmer Springer 2010
10 단행본 Allgemeiner Teil des Burgerlichen Rechts. Band 2, Das Rechtsgeschaft 미리보기
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Werner Flume Springer 1992
11 단행본 Allgemeiner Teil des bürgerlichen Rechts. Erster Band, Erster Teil, Die Personengesellschaft 미리보기
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Werner Flume Springer 1977
12 단행본 Anspruch und Rechtfertigung:eine Theorie des rechtlichen Denkens im Anschluss an die Phㅁ@nomenologie Edmund Husserls 미리보기
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Sophie Loidolt Springer 2009
13 단행본 Applied mathematical demography 미리보기
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Nathan Keyfitz, Hal Caswell Springer 2005
14 단행본 Approaches to legal ontologies : theories, domains, methodologies 미리보기
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Sartor, Giovanni Springer 2011
15 단행본 Approaches to legal rationality 미리보기
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Dov M. Gabbay... [et al.], editors Springer 2010
16 단행본 Argumentation methods for artificial intelligence in law 미리보기
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Douglas Walton Springer 2005
17 단행본 Arzneimittelsicherheit Wunsch und Wirklichkeit 미리보기
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Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rechtsanwalte im Medizinrecht e.V., Hrsg Springer 2008
18 단행본 Arzt- und Klinikwerberecht:aktuelle Werbechancen fur Arzt und Klinik 미리보기
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Miriam H. Balzer Springer 2004
19 단행본 At the crossroads:the world trading system and the Doha round 미리보기
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Stefan Griller [editor] Springer 2008
20 단행본 An international comparison of financial consumer protection 미리보기
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Chen, Tsai-Jyh Springer 2018
