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4281 저널기사 Accelerated phagocytosis of amyloid-beta by mouse and human microglia overexpressing the macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor 미리보기
Mitrasinovic, O. M.; Murphy, G. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
4282 저널기사 Accelerated plaque accumulation, associative learning deficits, and up-regulation of alpha7 nicotinic receptor protein in transgenic mice co-expressing mutant human presenilin 1 and amyloid precursor proteins 미리보기
Dineley, K. T.; Xia, X.; Bui, D.; Sweatt, J. D.; Zheng, H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
4283 저널기사 Accelerated postoperative radiation therapy with weekly concomitant boost in patients with advanced head and neck cancer/ 미리보기
Zouhair, A Pergamon Press 2003
4284 저널기사 Accelerated Product Development: Combining Lean and Six Sigma for Peak Performance by Clifford Fiore, Fast Innovation: Achieving Superior Differentiation, Speed to Market, and Increased Profitability by Michael L. George, James Works, and Kimberly Watson-Hemphill and Projects at Warp-Speed with Q RPD: The Definitive Guidebook to Quality Rapid Product Development, 9th ed by Orion "Ori" Kopelman and Cinda Voegtli: 미리보기
Klein, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
4285 저널기사 Accelerated Product Introductions and Emerging Managerial Accounting Perspectives: Implications for Marketing Managers in the Technology Sector 미리보기
4286 저널기사 Accelerated production of transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants 미리보기
Altpeter, F Springer International 1996
4287 저널기사 Accelerated Progression of Calcific Aortic Stenosis in Dialysis Patients/ 미리보기
Perkovic, V S. Karger 2003
4288 저널기사 Accelerated Progression of Calcific Aortic Stenosis in Dialysis Patients: What We Still Need to Learn/ 미리보기
Bakri, K S. Karger 2003
4289 저널기사 Accelerated publication procedure/ 미리보기
Society of Dyers and Colourists] 2000
4290 저널기사 Accelerated radical innovation: Theory and application 미리보기
Bers, J. A.; Dismukes, J. P.; Miller, L. K.; Dubrovensky, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
4291 저널기사 Accelerated radioisotopic method for the activtiy of microorganisms measurement in natural waters / 미리보기
V.V., Ilyinsky s.n.] 1994
4292 저널기사 Accelerated reduction of carbonyl compounds under microwave irradiation 미리보기
Barbry, D Pergamon Press 1980
4293 저널기사 Accelerated relative sea-level rise and rapid coastal erosion: testing acausal relationship for the Louisiana barrier islands 미리보기
Sallenger, A. H. List, J. H. Hansen, M. E. Jaffe, B. E. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1997
4294 저널기사 Accelerated Retting of Jute for Economic Fibre Yield 미리보기
Deb Prasad Ray;Pradipta Banerjee;Rakesh Kumar Ghosh;Debasis Nag New Delhi Publishers 2015
4295 저널기사 Accelerated scalar dissipation in a vortex 미리보기
Flohr, P Cambridge University Press [etc.] 1980
4296 저널기사 Accelerated senescence of human erythrocytes cultured with Plasmodium falciparum 미리보기
Omodeo-Sale, F W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
4297 저널기사 Accelerated share repurchases 미리보기
Bargeron, L.; Kulchania, M.; Thomas, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
4298 저널기사 Accelerated Solvent Extraction: An Evaluation for Screening of Soils forSelected U.S. EPA Semivolatile Organic Priority Pollutants 미리보기
Fisher, J. A American Chemical Society 1980
4299 저널기사 Accelerated solvent extraction of lipids for determining the fatty acid composition of biological material 미리보기
Schaafer, K Elsevier Pub. Co 1998
4300 저널기사 Accelerated Stability Studies of Heparin 미리보기
Jandik, K. A American Pharmaceutical Association 1980
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