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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4461 저널기사 Acceptance of Innovations: The Customer is the Key! 미리보기
Dunphy, S. JAI PRESS INC. 1995
4462 저널기사 Acceptance of Internet-based learning medium: the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation 미리보기
Lee, M. K.; Cheung, C. M.; Chen, Z. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
4463 저널기사 Acceptance of Knowledge Map Systems: An Empirical Examination of System Characteristics and Knowledge Map Systems Self-efficacy 미리보기
Mei-Hsiang, Wang; Chen-Fen, Huang; Tarng-Yao, Yang College of Management, National Cheng Kung University 2012
4464 저널기사 Acceptance of novel products: the role of religiosity, ethnicity and values 미리보기
Shaheen Mansori;Murali Sambasivan;Samsinar Md-Sidin Emerald Group Publishing Limited
4465 저널기사 Acceptance of online customization for apparel shopping 미리보기
Cho, H.; Fiorito, S. S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
4466 저널기사 Acceptance of recommendations to buy in online retailing 미리보기
Baier, D.; Stüber, E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
4467 저널기사 Acceptance of skin grafts by isogenic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 미리보기
Ristow, S. S American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
4468 저널기사 Acceptance of Subscriber Authentication Methods For Mobile Telephony Devices 미리보기
Clarke, N. L.; Furnell, S. M.; Rodwell, P. M.; Reynolds, P. L. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
4469 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2000 Alfred E. Treibs award/ 미리보기
Hedges, John I Pergamon Press 2001
4470 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2000 C. C. Patterson award/ 미리보기
Boyle, Edward A Pergamon Press 2001
4471 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2000 F. W. Clarke Award/ 미리보기
Farquhar, James Pergamon Press 2001
4472 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2000 V. M. Goldschmidt Award/ 미리보기
Eglinton, Geoffrey Pergamon Press 2001
4473 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2002 Alfred E. Treibs Award/ 미리보기
Douglas, A Pergamon Press 2003
4474 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2002 C. C. Patterson Award/ 미리보기
Pergamon Press 2003
4475 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2002 Distinguished Service Award/ 미리보기
Pergamon Press 2003
4476 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2002 F. W. Clarke Award/ 미리보기
Blake, R. E Pergamon Press 2003
4477 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2002 V. M. Goldschmidt Award/ 미리보기
Pergamon Press 2003
4478 저널기사 Acceptance of the Dana Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 2002 미리보기
Hochella, M. F Mineralogical Society of America 2003
4479 저널기사 Acceptance of the Distinguished Public Service Medal for 2002 미리보기
Hill, D. P Mineralogical Society of America 2003
4480 저널기사 Acceptance of the Distinguished Public Service Medal of 2000 미리보기
Fiske, Richard S 2001
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