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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
86901 저널기사 The Authentic Warmth Dimension of Professional Childcare 미리보기
Cameron, R.J.; Maginn, C. British Association of Social Workers 2008
86902 저널기사 The author critiques the FASB exposure draft on "Financial Reporting and Changing Prices." 미리보기
Defliese, Philip L Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
86903 저널기사 The author examines the need for a single body to set rules. 미리보기
Granof, Michael H Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
86904 저널기사 The Authoritarian Advantage of Horizontal Accountability: Ombudsmen in Poland and Russia 미리보기
Finkel, E. Political Science Program of the City University of New York, etc.] 2012
86905 저널기사 The authoritarian consequences of alliances between states and religious authorities 미리보기
Christopher D. Raymond PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD. 2021
86906 저널기사 The Authoritarian Data Problem 미리보기
Eddie Yang; Margaret E. Roberts National Endowment for Democracy 2023
86907 저널기사 The Authoritarian Roots of India’s Democracy 미리보기
Tripurdaman Singh National Endowment for Democracy 2023
86908 저널기사 The Authority and Responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer: Shifting Patterns in Large US Enterprises in the Twentieth Century 미리보기
Galambos, L. Oxford University Press 1994
86909 저널기사 The authority matrix: Empowerment and role clarification 미리보기
Chaudron, David The Association 1995
86910 저널기사 The authority of complexity/ 미리보기
Stehr, Nico : Published by Routledge & Kegan Paul for the London School of Economics and Political Science 2001
86911 저널기사 THE AUTHORITY ON AI 미리보기
Vara, Vauhini Time, inc., etc.] 2018
86912 저널기사 The Authority to Propose Issues for Formal Decision in Business Consortia 미리보기
86913 저널기사 The Authorization Continuum: Investigating the Meaning of ``Authorization'' Through the Lens of the Controlled Substances Act 미리보기
Philips, Breanna C. Vanderbilt University School of Law 2019
86914 저널기사 The authorized self: How middle age defines old age in the postmodern 미리보기
Hazan, H. Raz, A. E. Mouton Publishers [etc.] 1993
86915 저널기사 The Authorized Version: The Recent Installment in the History of the Bank of England 미리보기
R. Michie Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press. 2021
86916 저널기사 The author of bestseller 'Sapiens', says human minds and bodies will be the most important products of the 21st century 미리보기
Harari, Yuval(interview) Royal Institute of International Affairs 2015
86917 저널기사 The Author of Common Law Texts 미리보기
86918 저널기사 The "author pays" model of open access and UK-wide information strategy 미리보기
Joint, N. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
86919 저널기사 The author replies/ 미리보기
Naeser, M. A American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
86920 저널기사 The author replies/ 미리보기
Botwin, K. P American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
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