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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
61 전자저널 English Teaching: Practice & Critique 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2017 URL
62 전자저널 Entrepreneurship and regional development 미리보기
Taylor & Francis 1989 URL
63 연속간행물 Entrepreneurship theory and practice : ET&P 미리보기
United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business, John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship 1988-
64 연속간행물 Entreprises et histoire 미리보기
Editions ESKA 1992-
65 전자저널 Environmental Politics 미리보기
Taylor & Francis 1992 URL
66 연속간행물 Environment and development economics 미리보기
Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics Cambridge University Press 1996-
67 연속간행물 Environment and planning. A, Economy and space 미리보기
Pion Ltd. 1974-
68 연속간행물 Environment and planning. C, Government & policy 미리보기
Pion Ltd 1983-2016
69 연속간행물 Environment and planning. C, Politics and space 미리보기
SAGE Publishing 2017- URL
70 전자저널 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010 URL
71 전자저널 Equal Opportunities International 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1981 URL
72 연속간행물 Eurasian geography and economics 미리보기
V.H. Winston & Son 2002-
73 전자저널 European Accounting Review 미리보기
Taylor & Francis 1992 URL
74 전자저널 European Economic Review 미리보기
Elsevier 1969 URL
75 전자저널 European Financial Management 미리보기
Wiley 1995 URL
76 전자저널 European Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 미리보기
Taylor & Francis 1994 URL
77 전자저널 European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 미리보기
Brill 1993 URL
78 연속간행물 The European journal of development research 미리보기
European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes F. Cass 1989- URL
79 전자저널 European Journal of Health Law 미리보기
Brill 1994 URL
80 연속간행물 European journal of industrial engineering 미리보기
Inderscience 2007-
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