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21 연속간행물 Journal of business economics and management 미리보기
North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) e. V 199-
22 연속간행물 Journal of business & economic statistics : a publication of the American Statistical Association 미리보기
American Statistical Association American Statistical Association 1983-
23 연속간행물 Journal of business & industrial marketing 미리보기
24 연속간행물 The Journal of business strategy 미리보기
Warren, Gorham & Lamont 1980-
25 연속간행물 Journal of common market studies 미리보기
Blackwell 1962-
26 연속간행물 The journal of consumer marketing 미리보기
Grayson Associates 1983-
27 연속간행물 The Journal of consumer research 미리보기
American Association for Public Opinion Research Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 1974-
28 연속간행물 Journal of consumer satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and complaining behavior:CS/D & CB 미리보기
Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining Behavior, Inc Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining Behavior, Inc. 1988-
29 연속간행물 journal of contemporary central and Eastern Europe 미리보기
Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2015-
30 연속간행물 Journal of cost management 미리보기
Warren, Gorham & Lamont of Lia 1992-
31 연속간행물 Journal of criminal justice education : JCJE 미리보기
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 1990-
32 연속간행물 The Journal of criminal law & criminology 미리보기
Northwestern University School of Law Williams & Wilkins 1973- URL
33 연속간행물 The journal of database marketing & customer strategy management 미리보기
Palgrave Macmillan Henry Stewart Publications. : Palgrave Macmillan. 2003-
34 연속간행물 Journal of democracy 미리보기
National Endowment for Democracy (U.S.) National Endowment for Democracy 1990-
35 연속간행물 Journal of demographic economics 미리보기
Universität catholique de Louvain (1970- ) Cambridge University Press 2015- URL
36 연속간행물 The Journal of derivatives : a publication of Institutional Investor, Inc 미리보기
International Association of Financial Engineers Institutional Investor, Inc. 1993-
37 연속간행물 Journal of derivatives & hedge funds 미리보기
Palgrave Macmillan 1995-
38 연속간행물 Journal of direct, data and digital marketing practice 미리보기
Institute of Direct Marketing Henry Stewart Publications 2005-
39 연속간행물 Journal of East European management studies 미리보기
Rainer Hampp Verlag 1996-
40 연속간행물 Journal of economic development 미리보기
중앙대학교. 경제연구소 Economic Research Institute of Chung-Ang University 1976- URL
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