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41 연속간행물 Aqua 미리보기
42 연속간행물 Area development and policy 미리보기
Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2016-
43 연속간행물 Asia law quarterly 미리보기
한국법제연구원 Korea Legislation Research Institute 2009-
44 연속간행물 Asia law review 미리보기
Korea Legislation Research Institute Korea Legislation Research Institute 2004-
45 연속간행물 Asian business & management 미리보기
New York, NY: Palgrave 2002- URL
46 연속간행물 Asian case research journal 미리보기
John Wiley & Sons (Asia) 1997-
47 연속간행물 Asian economic papers 미리보기
Asian Economic Panel. Harvard University. Keio^ Gijuku Daigaku. Center for International Development. Global Security Research Center MIT Press 2002-
48 연속간행물 Asian survey 미리보기
University of California, Berkeley Institute of International Studies University of California Press [etc.] 1961-
49 연속간행물 Asia-Pacific journal of financial studies 미리보기
Han'guk Chu?ngkwo?n Hakhoe Wiley-Blackwell. 1980-
50 연속간행물 Asia-Pacific journal of operational research 미리보기
Operational Research Society of Singapore. Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies within IFORS. Operational Research Society of Operational Research Society of Singapore 1984- URL
51 연속간행물 Asia Pacific journal of public administration 미리보기
University of Hong Kong. Department of Politics and Public Administration Dept. of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong 2004- URL
52 연속간행물 Asia Pacific management review 미리보기
National Cheng Kung University. College of Management College of Management, National Cheng Kung University 2001- URL
53 연속간행물 Asia-Pacific review 미리보기
Institute for International Policy Studies Institute for International Policy Studies 1994-
54 연속간행물 Auditing 미리보기
American Accounting Association. Auditing Section Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association 1981-
55 연속간행물 Aussenpolitik 미리보기
U@bersee Verlag 1950-
56 연속간행물 Australian foreign affairs and trade 미리보기
Australia. Australia. Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Overseas Information Branch Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1989-1992
57 연속간행물 The Australian mineral industry review 미리보기
Australia Australia Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Mineral Economics Section Australian Govt. Pub. Service for the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology, and Geophysics 1948-1975
58 연속간행물 Automation 미리보기
Penton Pub 1987-1991
59 연속간행물 Avtomobilnaia Promyshlennost 미리보기
Soviet Union Soviet Union Gosudarstvennyi nauchno-tekhnicheskii komitet Ministerstvo avtomobil'noi promyshlennosti Mashgiz 1958-
60 연속간행물 The Banker 미리보기
Financial News Ltd. 1926-
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