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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
261 전자저널 Industrial Robot: An International Journal 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2017 URL
262 전자저널 Industrial Robot: An International Journal 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1973 URL
263 전자저널 Info 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1999 URL
264 전자저널 Information and Learning Science (prev. New Library World) 미리보기
Emerald Publishing 2017 URL
265 전자저널 Information & Computer Security 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2015 URL
266 전자저널 Information Discovery and Delivery (prev. Interlending & Document Supply) 미리보기
Emerald Publishing 2017 URL
267 전자저널 Information Economics and Policy 미리보기
Elsevier 1983 URL
268 전자저널 Information & Management 미리보기
Elsevier 1977 URL
269 전자저널 Information Management & Computer Security 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1993 URL
270 전자저널 Information Technology & People 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1982 URL
271 전자저널 Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 미리보기
Elsevier 1982 URL
272 전자저널 Interactive Technology and Smart Education 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2004 URL
273 전자저널 Interlending & Document Supply 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1973 URL
274 전자저널 International Affairs 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1922 URL
275 전자저널 International Business Review 미리보기
Elsevier 1993 URL
276 전자저널 International Community Law Review (continuation of International Community Law Review and Non-State Actors and International Law) 미리보기
Brill 2006 URL
277 전자저널 International Criminal Law Review 미리보기
Brill 2001 URL
278 전자저널 International economic journal 미리보기
Taylor & Francis 1987 URL
279 전자저널 International Insolvency Review 미리보기
Wiley 1990 URL
280 전자저널 International Interactions : Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations 미리보기
Taylor & Francis 1974 URL
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