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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1 연속간행물 Contributions to political economy 미리보기
Cambridge Political Economy Society Published for the Cambridge Political Economy Society by Academic Press 1982-
2 연속간행물 Finance : revue de l'Association francaise de finance 미리보기
Association francaise de finance Presses Universitaires de France. 1982-
3 연속간행물 Healthcare financial management:journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association 미리보기
Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.) The Association 1982-
4 연속간행물 International journal of advertising 미리보기
World advertising research center World advertising research center 1982-
5 연속간행물 In vivo : The business & medicine report 미리보기
Channing, Weinberg & Co 1982-
6 연속간행물 Journal of accounting literature 미리보기
University of Florida Society of Accounting Research Digest (U.S.) Accounting Research Center Published for the Accounting Research Center, University of Florida, by the Society of Accounting Research Digest 1982-
7 연속간행물 Marketing science : the marketing journal of TIMS/ORSA 미리보기
Institute of Management Sciences. Operations Research Society of America. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Institute for operations research and the managemet sciences(INFORMS) 1982-
8 연속간행물 NZ marketing magazine 미리보기
Profile Publishing 1982-
9 연속간행물 豫測 미리보기
中華人民共和國敎育部 ; 合肥工業大學豫測與發展硏究所 [編] 豫測雜誌社 1982-
10 연속간행물 品質 : Quality, JSQC : Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control 미리보기
Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 1982-
