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21 연속간행물 Africa today 미리보기
Africa Today Associates. American Committee on Africa. University of Denver. Center on International Race Relations Indiana University Press [etc.]. 1954-
22 연속간행물 Alternatives economiques 미리보기
Alternatives economiques 1980-
23 연속간행물 American economic journal, Applied economics 미리보기
American Economic Association American Economic Association 2009-
24 연속간행물 American economic journal, Economic policy 미리보기
American Economic Association American Economic Association 2009-
25 연속간행물 American economic journal., Macroeconomics 미리보기
American Economic Association American Economic Association 2009-
26 연속간행물 American economic journal, Microeconomics 미리보기
American Economic Association American Economic Association 2009-
27 연속간행물 The American economic review 미리보기
American Economic Association. American Economic Association American Economic Association 1911-
28 연속간행물 American journal of business 미리보기
Ball State University Mid-American Journal of Business 2007- URL
29 연속간행물 The American political science review 미리보기
Willoughby, Westel Woodbury, Fairlie, John A. Ogg, Frederic Austin American Political Science Association 1906-
30 연속간행물 Annals of economics and finance 미리보기
Beijing da xue Wuhan da xue Peking University Press, USA 2000-
31 연속간행물 Annals of economics and statistics 미리보기
Association pour le Developpement de la Recherche en Eco nomie et en Statistique 1986-
32 연속간행물 Annual review of economics 미리보기
Annual Reviews 2009-
33 연속간행물 Annual review of environment and resources 미리보기
Annual Reviews, Inc Annual Reviews 2003-
34 연속간행물 Annual review of financial economics 미리보기
Annual Reviews, Inc Annual Reviews 2009-
35 연속간행물 Annual review of political science 미리보기
Annual Review 1998-
36 연속간행물 Annual review of resource economics 미리보기
Annual Reviews, Inc Annual Reviews 2009-
37 연속간행물 Anxiety, stress, and coping 미리보기
Stress and Anxiety Research Society Harwood Academic Publishers ; Distributed by STBS Ltd., : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 1992-
38 연속간행물 Aqua 미리보기
39 연속간행물 Area development and policy 미리보기
Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2016-
40 연속간행물 Asian business & management 미리보기
New York, NY: Palgrave 2002- URL
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