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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1241 연속간행물 Pacific affairs. : An international review of asia and the pacific 미리보기
University of British Columbia. Institute of Pacific Relations University of British Columbia [etc.] 1928-
1242 전자저널 Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 미리보기
Elsevier 1993 URL
1243 전자저널 Pacific Economic Review 미리보기
Wiley 1996 URL
1244 전자저널 Pacific Focus 미리보기
Wiley 1986 URL
1245 연속간행물 Pacific McGeorge global business & development law journal 미리보기
McGeorge School of Law University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law 2006-
1246 연속간행물 The Pacific review 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1988-
1247 연속간행물 Packaging India 미리보기
Indian Institute of Packaging Indian Institute of Packaging 1968-
1248 전자저널 Parliamentary Affairs 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1947 URL
1249 연속간행물 Peace and conflict : journal of peace psychology : the journal of the Division of Peace Psychology of the American Psychological Association 미리보기
American Psychological Association. Division of Peace Psychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates : Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association. 1995-
1250 전자저널 Peace & Change 미리보기
Wiley 1972 URL
1251 연속간행물 Peace review 미리보기
Peace Review Publications 1989-
1252 연속간행물 La pensee 미리보기
Association Espaces Marx Espaces Marx 1939-
1253 연속간행물 Pensions: an international journal 미리보기
Palgrave Macmillan Ltd 1996-
1254 연속간행물 Penton's controls & systems 미리보기
Penton Pub., Inc 1992-
1255 전자저널 Performance Improvement Quarterly 미리보기
Wiley 1988 URL
1256 전자저널 Performance & Instruction (currently known as Performance Improvement) 미리보기
Wiley 1961 URL
1257 전자저널 Performance Measurement and Metrics 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2000 URL
1258 연속간행물 Permanent missions to the United Nations 미리보기
United Nations United Nations 1954-
1259 연속간행물 Personnel 미리보기
Amacom Industrial Relations Association of America National Association of Employment Managers American Management Association Amacom-P 1919-1991
1260 연속간행물 Personnel journal. 미리보기
Personnel Research Federation (U.S.) Published for the Personnel Research Federation by the Williams & Wilkins Co. 1927-
맨앞 이전 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 다음 맨뒤
