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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1001 단행본 An evaluative analysis of Korean legislative development in relation with economic growth:consumer protection law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Korea Legislation Research Institute 한국법제연구원 2012
1002 단행본 An evaluative analysis of Korean legislative development in relation with economic growth:formation of social infrastructure 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
[by Korea Legislation Research Institute] ; researcher, Jin Yinhuan Korea Legislation Research Institute 2012
1003 단행본 An experiential approach to organization development 미리보기
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Donald F. Harvey, Donald R. Brown Prentice-Hall 1982
1004 단행본 An illustrated guide to civil procedure 미리보기
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Michael Allen, Michael Finch Aspen Publishers 2006
1005 단행본 An illustrated guide to civil procedure 미리보기
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Michael P. Allen, Michael Finch Aspen Publishers 2011
1006 단행본 An injury law constitution 미리보기
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Marshall S. Shapo Oxford University Press 2012
1007 단행본 An insider's guide to the UN 미리보기
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Linda Fasulo Yale University Press 2009
1008 단행본 An institutional and normative analysis of the World Trade Organization 미리보기
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by Mary E. Footer Nijhoff 2006
1009 단행본 An institutional approach to the responsibility to protect 미리보기
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edited by Gentian Zyberi ; assistant editor Kevin T. Mason Cambridge University Press 2013
1010 단행본 An international approach to the interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) as uniform sales law 미리보기
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edited by John Felemegas Cambridge University Press 2007 URL
1011 단행본 An international comparison of financial consumer protection 미리보기
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Chen, Tsai-Jyh Springer 2018
1012 단행본 An introduction to agency, partnerships, and LLCs 미리보기
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by Melvin Aron Eisenberg Foundation Press Thomson/West 2006
1013 단행본 An introduction to American administrative law 미리보기
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by Bernard Schwartz Pitman 1962
1014 단행본 An introduction to animals and the law 미리보기
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Joan E. Schaffner Palgrave Macmillan 2011
1015 단행본 An Introduction to bankruptcy law 미리보기
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Martin A. Frey, Phyllis Hurley Frey, Sidney K. Swinson Thomson/Delmar Learning 2005
1016 단행본 An introduction to business law:principles and cases 미리보기
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[by] Rate A. Howell Dryden Press 1974
1017 단행본 An introduction to comparative legal models of criminal justice 미리보기
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authors, Dilip K. Das , Cliff Roberson CRC Press 2008
1018 단행본 An introduction to competition law 미리보기
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P.J. Slot and A.C. Johnston Hart 2006
1019 단행본 An introduction to constitutional law 미리보기
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Eric Barendt Oxford University Press 1998
1020 단행본 An introduction to contemporary international law:a policy-oriented perspective 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Lung-chu Chen Yale University Press 1989
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