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1021 단행본 An introduction to criminal evidence:a casebook approach 미리보기
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R. Alan Thompson ... [et al.] Oxford University Press 2008
1022 단행본 An introduction to English contract law:for German readers with exercises 미리보기
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Michael Jewell Nomos-Verl.-Ges. 2002
1023 단행본 An introduction to English legal history 미리보기
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J.H. Baker Butterworths LexisNexis 2002
1024 단행본 An introduction to EU competition law 미리보기
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Moritz Lorenz Cambridge University Press 2013
1025 단행본 An introduction to European law 미리보기
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Robert Schütze Cambridge University Press 2012
1026 단행본 An introduction to family law 미리보기
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Gillian Douglas Oxford University Press 2004
1027 단행본 An introduction to human rights and the common law 미리보기
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edited by Rosalind English and Philip Havers Hart Pub. 2000
1028 단행본 An introduction to intellectual asset management 미리보기
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[Sunita K. Sreedharan] CCH India 2008
1029 단행본 An introduction to international criminal law and procedure 미리보기
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Robert Cryer ... [et al.] Cambridge University Press 2007 URL
1030 단행본 An introduction to international criminal law and procedure 미리보기
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Robert Cryer ... [et al.] Cambridge University Press 2010 URL
1031 단행본 An introduction to international criminal law and procedure 미리보기
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Robert Cryer, Håkan Friman, Darryl Robinson, Elizabeth Wilmshurst Cambridge University Press 2014
1032 단행본 An introduction to international institutional law 미리보기
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Jan Klabbers Cambridge University Press 2009
1033 단행본 An introduction to international institutional law 미리보기
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Jan Klabbers Cambridge University Press 2002
1034 단행본 An introduction to international law 미리보기
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Mark W. Janis Aspen Publishers 2003
1035 단행본 An introduction to Islamic law 미리보기
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Wael B. Hallaq Cambridge University Press 2009
1036 단행본 An introduction to Korean maritime law 미리보기
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by Lee Sik, Chai Korea University Press 1999
1037 단행본 An introduction to land law 미리보기
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Simon Gardner with Emily MacKenzie Hart 2012
1038 단행본 An introduction to law 미리보기
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Phil Harris Cambridge University Press 2007
1039 단행본 An introduction to law and economics 미리보기
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A. Mitchell Polinsky Little, Brown 1989
1040 단행본 An introduction to law and economics 미리보기
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A. Mitchell Polinsky Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2011
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