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141 단행본 Administrative law:cases and materials 미리보기
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Charles H. Koch, Jr., William S. Jordan III, Richard W. Murphy LexisNexis Matthew Bender 2006
142 단행본 Administrative law:cases and materials 미리보기
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Daniel J. Gifford LexisNexis 2010
143 단행본 Administrative law for public managers 미리보기
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David H Rosenbloom Westview Press 2015
144 단행본 Administrative law in a changing state:essays in honour of Mark Aronson 미리보기
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edited by Linda Pearson, Carol Harlow and Michael Taggart Hart 2008
145 단행본 Administrative law in the political system 미리보기
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Kenneth F. Warren Westview Press 2011
146 단행본 Administrative law:keyed to courses using Cass, Diver, Beermann and Freeman's administrative law: cases and materials 미리보기
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[Casenote Legal Briefs] Wolters Kluwer Law & Business ; Aspen Publishers 2011
147 단행본 Administrative law:keyed to courses using funk, shapiro, and weaver's administrative procedure and practice 미리보기
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[Casenote Legal Briefs] Wolters Kluwer Law & Business ; Aspen Publishers 2011
148 단행본 Administrative law stories 미리보기
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edited by Peter L. Strauss Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2006
149 단행본 Administrative law, the American public law system:cases and materials 미리보기
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by Jerry L. Mashaw, Richard A. Merrill, Peter M. Shane West Pub. Co. 1992
150 단행본 Administrative law:the informal process 미리보기
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by Peter Woll University of California Press 1974
151 단행본 Administrative practice and procedure:selected state and federal statutes 미리보기
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Charles H. Koch, Willam S. Jordan, Richard W. Murphy LexisNexis 2006
152 단행본 Administrative procedures for the legal professional 미리보기
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by Judy A. Long Thomson Delmar Learning 2008 URL
153 단행본 The administrative regulatory process 미리보기
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Florence Heffron with Neil McFeeley Longman 1983
154 단행본 Administrative rulemaking:politics and processes 미리보기
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William F. West Greenwood Press 1985
155 단행본 Administrative tribunals and the rules of evidence:a study in jurisprudence and administrative law 미리보기
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by Harold M. Stephens Lawbook Exchange 2004
156 단행본 Admiralty and maritime law 미리보기
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Robert Force, A.N. Yiannopoulos, Martin Davies Beard Books 2006
157 단행본 Admiralty and maritime law 미리보기
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Robert Force, A.N. Yiannopoulos, Martin Davies Beard Books 2008
158 단행본 Admiralty and maritime law 미리보기
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by Thomas J. Schoenbaum ; with the assistance of Jessica L. McClellan West 2012
159 단행본 Admiralty and maritime law 미리보기
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by Thomas J. Schoenbaum Thomson/West 2004
160 단행본 Admiralty:cases and materials 미리보기
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by Jo Desha Lucas Foundation Press 2003
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