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321 연속간행물 American craft 미리보기
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American Craft Council American Craft Council 1979-
322 연속간행물 The American criminal law review 미리보기
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American Bar Association American Bar Association Georgetown University Section of Criminal Justice Section of Criminal Law Law Center American Bar Association, Section of Criminal Justice [etc.] 1971- URL
323 연속간행물 American drug index 미리보기
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Wilson, Charles Owens Lippincott. 1956-
324 연속간행물 American drug index 미리보기
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Wilson, Charles Owens Lippincott 1956-
325 연속간행물 American dyestuff reporter 미리보기
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American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists SAF International, etc.] 1917-1999
326 연속간행물 American economic journal, Applied economics 미리보기
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American Economic Association American Economic Association 2009-
327 연속간행물 American economic journal, Economic policy 미리보기
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American Economic Association American Economic Association 2009-
328 연속간행물 American economic journal., Macroeconomics 미리보기
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American Economic Association American Economic Association 2009-
329 연속간행물 American economic journal, Microeconomics 미리보기
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American Economic Association American Economic Association 2009-
330 연속간행물 The American economic review 미리보기
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American Economic Association. American Economic Association American Economic Association 1911-
331 연속간행물 The American economic review insights 미리보기
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American Economic Association. American Economic Association American Economic Association 2019-
332 연속간행물 American educational research journal 미리보기
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American Educational Research Association American Educational Research Association 1964-
333 연속간행물 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac 미리보기
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United States Naval Observatory Nautical Almanac Office U.S. Govt. Print. Off.; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1855-1980
334 연속간행물 The American Fabian 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
Fabian Educational Co Fabian Society (Great Britain) Greenwood Reprint Corp. 1895-1900
335 연속간행물 American family physician 미리보기
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American Academy of General Practice American Academy of General Practice. 1970-
336 연속간행물 American forests 미리보기
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American Forestry Association American Forestry Association 1931-
337 연속간행물 American fruit grower 미리보기
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Meister Publishing Co. [etc.] 1931-
338 연속간행물 The American heart journal 미리보기
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Conner, Lewis Atterbury C. V. Mosby Co. 1925-
339 연속간행물 American heritage 미리보기
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American Association for State and Local History Society of American Historians Published for the American Association for State and Local History, 1947-
340 연속간행물 The American historical review. 미리보기
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Jameson, J. Franklin Bourne, Henry Eldridge Schuyler, Robert Livingston American Historical Association [etc.] 1895-
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