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421 연속간행물 America's textiles international 미리보기
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Textile Quality Control Association (U.S.) Billian Pub. Co. 1986-
422 연속간행물 Amorphous semiconductor technologies & devices 미리보기
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editor, Y. Hamakawa Ohmsha, Ltd. ; North-Holland 1981-
423 연속간행물 Anaesthesia 미리보기
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Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Published for the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland by Academic Press [and] 1946- URL
424 연속간행물 Anaesthesia 미리보기
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Kaufman, Leon Churchill Livingstone 1982-1989
425 연속간행물 Anaesthesia and intensive care 미리보기
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Australian Society of Anaesthetists Australian Society of Anaesthetists. 1972-
426 연속간행물 Analyses of hazardous substances in biological materials 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by J. Angerer and K.H. Schaller ; Working Group "Analytical Chemistry," Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compou VCH Verlagsgesellschaft ; New York, NY (USA) : VCH Publishers 1992
427 연속간행물 Analyses of hazardous substances in biological materials 미리보기
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edited by J. Angerer and K.H. Schaller ; Working Group "Analytical Chemistry", Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compou VCH 1985
428 연속간행물 Analysis mathematica 미리보기
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Akad?miai Kiad? Akademi?? nauk SSSR Magyar Tudom?nyos Akad?mia Akad?miai Kiad? [Distributor: Kultura] 1975-
429 연속간행물 Analytica chimica acta 미리보기
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Section of Analytical Chemistry Elsevier Pub. Co. 1947-
430 연속간행물 Analytical biochemistry. 미리보기
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Nason, Alvin Academic Press. 1960-
431 연속간행물 Analytical chemistry 미리보기
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Murphy, W. J American Chemical Society 1947-
432 연속간행물 Analytical methods for pesticides, plant growth regulators, and food additives 미리보기
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Zweig, Gunter Sherma, Joseph Lawrence, James F Academic Press 1963
433 연속간행물 Analytical profiles of drug substances and excipients 미리보기
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Academic Press 1992-
434 연속간행물 Anatomia, histologia, embryologia 미리보기
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World Association of Veterinary Anatomists P. Parey 1973-
435 연속간행물 The Anatomical record 미리보기
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Bardeen, Charles Russell Hardesty, Irving Bremer, John Lewis Boyden, Edward A A. R. Liss [etc.] 1906-
436 연속간행물 The Anatomical record 미리보기
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Bardeen, Charles Russell Hardesty, Irving Bremer, John Lewis Boyden, Edward A Wistar Institute Press 1906-
437 연속간행물 Ancient, medieval & modern history 미리보기
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Rickard, John Allison Hyma, Albert Barnes & Noble 1933-
438 연속간행물 Anesthesia and analgesia 미리보기
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International Anesthesia Research Society International Anesthesia Research Society]. 1922-
439 연속간행물 Anesthesia and pain medicine 미리보기
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대한마취과학회 [편] 대한마취과학회 2006- URL
440 연속간행물 Anesthesiology 미리보기
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American Society of Anesthesiologists American Society of Anesthesiologists, etc.]. 1940-
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