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2201 저널기사 Abrogation of the S phase DNA damage checkpoint results in S phase progression or premature mitosis depending on the concentration of 7-hydroxystaurosporine and the kinetics of Cdc25C activation 미리보기
Kohn, E. A.; Ruth, N. D.; Brown, M. K.; Livingstone, M.; Eastman, A. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
2202 저널기사 Abrogation of Upstream Open Reading Frame-mediated Translational Control of a Plant S-Adenosylmethionine Decarboxylase Results in Polyamine Disruption and Growth Perturbations 미리보기
Hanfrey, C.; Franceschetti, M.; Mayer, M. J.; Illingworth, C.; Michael, A. J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
2203 저널기사 ABR Topograms in Patients with Acoustic Neuroma and Application of Source Derivation Method / 미리보기
Makino, Hironori Tottori University Faculty of Medicine 1994
2204 저널기사 Abrundungsbetrag keine Vermögensmehrung 미리보기
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 1988
2205 저널기사 Abrupt change in slope causes variation in the deposit thickness of concentrated particle-driven density currents/ 미리보기
Mulder, Thierry Alexander, Jan Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 2001
2206 저널기사 Abrupt change of the mid-summer climate in central east China by the influence of atmospheric pollution/ 미리보기
Xu, Qun Pergamon 2001
2207 저널기사 Abrupt Changes in Confinement in the JET Tokamak 미리보기
Wesson, J. A American Physical Society 1980
2208 저널기사 Abrupt changes in early Holocene tropical sea surface temperature derived from coral records 미리보기
Beck, J. W Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
2209 저널기사 Abrupt climatic change during the last interglacial-glacial cycle in the polar North Atlantic/ 미리보기
Mikalsen, G Hald, M Dokken, T; Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 2001
2210 저널기사 Abrupt Cooling of the Mediterranean Levantine Intermediate Water at the Beginning of the 1980s: Observational Evidence and Model Simulation/ 미리보기
Brankart, Jean-Michel American Meteorological Society 2001
2211 저널기사 Abrupt current increase due to space-charge-limited conduction in thin nitride-oxide stacked dielectric system/ 미리보기
Chen, Fen American Institute of Physics 2001
2212 저널기사 Abrupt Damages and Sustainability 미리보기
Can Askan Mavi editions dalloz 2019
2213 저널기사 Abrupt discontinuous relationships between supercooling and melt overheating 미리보기
Tong, H. Y American Institute of Physics 1980
2214 저널기사 Abrupt jumps in the metamagnetic transitions of orbitally ordered manganites/ 미리보기
Maignan, A American Institute of Physics 2003
2215 저널기사 Abrupt mid-twentieth-century decline in Antarctic sea-ice extent from whaling records 미리보기
De La Mare, W. K Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
2216 저널기사 Abrupt Phosphorus Profiles in Si Effects of Temperature and Substitutional Carbon on Phosphorus Autodoping/ 미리보기
Singh, D. V Electrochemical Society 2003
2217 저널기사 Abrupt relaxation in high-spin molecules/ 미리보기
Chang, Ching-Ray North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
2218 저널기사 Abrusoside E, a further sweet-tasting cycloartane glycoside from the leaves of Abrus precatorius 미리보기
Kennelly, E. J Pergamon Press 1996
2219 저널기사 Absatzmittler und vertikale Preisbindung 미리보기
Möschel, Wernhard Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
2220 저널기사 ABS capitalizes on quality feed 미리보기
Miller Pub. Co.] 1986
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