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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
2401 저널기사 Absence of a proven resurgence of Chagas disease or cutaneous leishmaniasis in French Guiana over the last two decades/ 미리보기
Carme, B Academic Press [etc.] 2001
2402 저널기사 Absence of arabinan in the side chains of the pectic polysaccharides strongly associated with cell walls of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia non-organogenic callus with loosely attached constituent cells/ 미리보기
Iwai, Hiroaki Springer-Verlag 2001
2403 저널기사 Absence of Association between a Variant of the Mast Cell Chymase Gene and Atopic Dermatitis in an Italian Population/ 미리보기
Pascale, E Karger 2001
2404 저널기사 Absence of Association between Codon 129/219 Polymorphisms of the Prion Protein Gene and Alzheimer's Disease in Japan/ 미리보기
Ohkubo, T Little, Brown and Co.] 2003
2405 저널기사 Absence of a "Threshold Effect" in the Energy Loss of Slow Protons Traversing Large-Band-Gap Insulators 미리보기
Eder, K American Physical Society 1980
2406 저널기사 Absence of a true vortex-glass phase above the Bragg glass line in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d/ 미리보기
Li, S. L North-Holland 2003
2407 저널기사 Absence of BRAF and NRAS Mutations in Uveal Melanoma/ 미리보기
Cruz, F Williams and Wilkins 2003
2408 저널기사 Absence of BSE in the offspring of pedigree suckler cows affected by BSEin Great Britain 미리보기
Wilesmith, J. W The Association 1997
2409 저널기사 Absence of bulk magnetic ordering in Pr~3Ru~4Ge~1~3 미리보기
Ramakrishnan, S North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
2410 저널기사 Absence of Cardiac Toxicity of Zidovudine in Infants/ 미리보기
Lipshultz, S E Massachusetts Medical Society 2000
2411 저널기사 Absence of Caveolin-1 Sensitizes Mouse Skin to Carcinogen-Induced Epidermal Hyperplasia and Tumor Formation/ 미리보기
Capozza, F American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists [etc.] 2003
2412 저널기사 Absence of certainty Costa Coffee financial controller Malcolm Finn FCA and UCL professor David Tuckett on accounting challenges for boards in the run up to Brexit 미리보기
unknown Accountancy 2016
2413 저널기사 Absence of Coactivation in the Motor Component: Evidence From Psychophysiological Measures of Target Detection 미리보기
Mordkoff, J. T American Psychological Association 1980
2414 저널기사 Absence of cognitive impairment or decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease/ 미리보기
Goldman, W P Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2001
2415 저널기사 Absence of contour linking in peripheral vision 미리보기
Hess, R. F Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
2416 저널기사 Absence of corpus luteum rescue by chorionic gonadotropin in women immunized with a contraceptive vaccine/ 미리보기
Pal, Rahul American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
2417 저널기사 Absence of Correlation between the Solar Neutrino Flux and the Sunspot Number 미리보기
Walther, G American Physical Society 1980
2418 저널기사 Absence of critical point wetting near the 3He-4He tri-critical point 미리보기
Ueno, T North-Holland 2003
2419 저널기사 Absence of Cross-Reactivity between Sulfonamide Antibiotics and Sulfonamide Nonantibiotics/ 미리보기
Strom, B. L Massachusetts Medical Society 2003
2420 저널기사 Absence of Deep Inspiration-induced Bronchoprotection against Inhaled Allergen/ 미리보기
Pyrgos, G 2003
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