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2561 저널기사 Absolute and convective instabilities in open shear layers. I. Hydrodynamic equilibrium/ 미리보기
Homem, M. T Springer-Verlag 2003
2562 저널기사 Absolute and convective instabilities of plane turbulent wakes in a shallow water layer 미리보기
Chen, D Cambridge University Press [etc.] 1980
2563 저널기사 Absolute and convective instabilities of waves on unbounded and large bounded domains/ 미리보기
Sandstede, Bj�rn North-Holland 2000
2564 저널기사 Absolute and convective instability of a radially expanding liquid sheet/ 미리보기
Lin, S. P American Institute of Physics 2003
2565 저널기사 Absolute and convective instability of a viscous liquid curtain in a viscous gas 미리보기
Teng, C. H Cambridge University Press [etc.] 1980
2566 저널기사 Absolute and Convective Secondary Instabilities in Spatially Periodic Shear Flows 미리보기
Brancher, P American Physical Society 1980
2567 저널기사 Absolute and Relative Biases in Estimations of Personal Risk 미리보기
Rothman, A. J V.H. Winston [etc.] 1980
2568 저널기사 Absolute and Relative Deprivation and the Measurement of Poverty 미리보기
Duclos, J.-Y.; Gregoire, P. BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS 2002
2569 저널기사 Absolute and Relative Resources as Determinants of International Acquisitions 미리보기
Anand, J.; Delios, A. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2002
2570 저널기사 Absolute and Relative Rewards for Individuals in Team Production 미리보기
Dickinson, D. L. JOHN WILEY & SONS 1998
2571 저널기사 Absolute asymmetric b-lactam synthesis via the solid-state photoreaction of acyclic monothioimides and the reaction trajectory in the chiral crystalline environment/ 미리보기
Sakamoto, Masami Pergamon Press 2001
2572 저널기사 Absolute Atomic Arrangement of Ferroelectric Lithium Trihydrogendiselenite 미리보기
CHOMNILPAN, SAJEE Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1979
2573 저널기사 Absolute Auger rates, relative intensities and angular distribution for the KLL spectra of Auger electrons from laser-excited sodium 미리보기
Lohmann, B IOP Pub 1980
2574 저널기사 Absolute beta convergence in liberated communist countries of Europe 미리보기
Naghshpour, S.; Sergi, B.S. IDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTD 2009
2575 저널기사 Absolute Calibration of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Data of a Double-Crystal Diffractometer 미리보기
Carsughi, F Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 1980
2576 저널기사 Absolute Capitalism 미리보기
Foster, John Bellamy Monthly Review Foundation 2019
2577 저널기사 Absolute charge capture cross sections from a Rydberg target: experimental results and comparison with theoretical models 미리보기
Huang, M.-T IOP Pub 1980
2578 저널기사 Absolute Collision Cross Sections for Low Energy Electron Scattering from NO: The Role of Resonances in Elastic Scattering and Vibrational Excitation/ 미리보기
Jelisavcic, M American Physical Society 2003
2579 저널기사 Absolute composition depth-profiles in surface segregation of Pt-Rh alloys 미리보기
Florencio, J North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
2580 저널기사 Absolute concentration and loss kinetics of hydrogen atom in methane and hydrogen plasmas/ 미리보기
Takashima, Seigou American Institute of Physics 2001
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