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2581 저널기사 Absolute concentration measurements by pulsed laser-induced fluorescencein low-pressure gases: allowing for saturation effects 미리보기
Booth, J. P. Cunge, G. Derouard, J. North Holland 1996
2582 저널기사 Absolute concentration measurements inside a jet plume using video digitization 미리보기
Vauquelin, O Pergamon 1996
2583 저널기사 Absolute Configuration and Complete Assignment of ^1^3C NMR Data for New Sesquiterpenes from Maytenus chiapensis/ 미리보기
Nunez, M. J American Society of Pharmacognosy 2003
2584 저널기사 Absolute Configuration and Conformation of 1,3-Dioxanes from Cider 미리보기
Dietrich, C American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1997
2585 저널기사 Absolute configuration and tautomeric structure of xylindein, a blue-green pigment of Chlorociboria species/ 미리보기
Saikawa, Yoko Pergamon Press 2000
2586 저널기사 Absolute Configuration Determination by Anomalous Scattering of Light Atoms. Have the Limits Been Reached? / 미리보기
RABINOVICH, DOV Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1980
2587 저널기사 Absolute Configuration of 2,6-Dimethylheptyl Sulfate and Its Distribution in Ascidiacea 미리보기
De Rosa, S American Society of Pharmacognosy 1997
2588 저널기사 Absolute Configuration of 2,6-di-O-Alkylgalactose Obtained from Peralkylated Red Algal Polysaccharides/ 미리보기
Errea, M I de Gruyter 2001
2589 저널기사 Absolute Configuration of a Cyclopeptide Alkaloid, Sanjoinine-G1, from Zizyphus Vulgaris Var. Spinosus 미리보기
Myung Hwan Park Pergamon Press 1996
2590 저널기사 Absolute Configuration of Bromochlorofluoromethane from Experimental andAb Initio Theoretical Vibrational Raman Optical Activity 미리보기
Costante, J VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 1980
2591 저널기사 Absolute configuration of C-1027 chromophore 미리보기
Iida, K.-I Pergamon Press 1980
2592 저널기사 Absolute Configuration of Chiral Ethanol-1-d: Neutron Diffraction Analysis of the (-)-(1S)-Camphanate Ester of (+)-(R)-Ethanol-1-d 미리보기
Metzenthin, T American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
2593 저널기사 Absolute configuration of flavanone-henzofuranone-type biflavonoids and 2-benzyl-2-hydroxybenzofuranones 미리보기
Bekker, R Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
2594 저널기사 Absolute Configuration of Halisulfate 3 from the Sponge Ircinia sp 미리보기
Mueller, E. L Pergamon Press 1980
2595 저널기사 Absolute configuration of insect-produced epilachnene 미리보기
Farmer, J. J Pergamon Press 1980
2596 저널기사 Absolute Configuration of Keisslone, a New Antimicrobial Metabolite from Keissleriella sp. YS4108, a Marine Filamentous Fungus/ 미리보기
Liu, C. H Georg Thieme Verlag 2003
2597 저널기사 Absolute configuration of methyl (2Z,6R,8R,9E)-3,6-epoxy-4,6,8-triethyl-2,4,9-dodecatrienoate from the sponge Plakortis halichondrioides 미리보기
Schmidt, E. W Pergamon Press 1980
2598 저널기사 Absolute configuration of norzoanthamine, a promising candidate for an osteoporotic drug 미리보기
Kuramoto, M Pergamon Press 1980
2599 저널기사 Absolute configuration of oct anol derivatives in apple fruits 미리보기
Beuerle, T Pergamon Press 1996
2600 저널기사 Absolute configuration of phorboxazoles A and B from the marine sponge, Phorbas sp. - II. C43 and complete stereochemistry 미리보기
Molinski, T. F Pergamon Press 1980
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