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2661 저널기사 Absolute negative conductivity in a Xe/Cs mixture under photoionization conditions 미리보기
Shchedrin, A. I IOP Pub 1980
2662 저널기사 Absolute negative mobility and current reversals of a meandering Brownian particle/ 미리보기
Hanggi, P. Eichhorn, R. Reimann, P.; North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
2663 저널기사 Absolute neutrino mass determination (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Pa@s, H 2001
2664 저널기사 Absolute Online Monitoring of Acrylic Acid Polymerization and the Effect of Salt and pH on Reaction Kinetics/ 미리보기
Catalgil-Giz, H Wiley 2004
2665 저널기사 Absolute Online Monitoring of a Stepwise Polymerization Reaction: Polyurethane Synthesis Published online 11 September 2001/ 미리보기
�atalgil-Giz, H Wiley 2001
2666 저널기사 Absolute optimal time-frequency basis - a research tool 미리보기
Carsteanu, A The Institute of Physics 1980
2667 저널기사 Absolute paleointensity between 60 and 400 ka from the Kohala Mountain (Hawaii) 미리보기
Brassart, J North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
2668 저널기사 Absolute partial and total cross-section functions for the electron impact ionization of C~6~0 and C~7~0 미리보기
Matt, S American Institute of Physics 1980
2669 저널기사 Absolute partial cross sections for electron-impact ionization of CH~4 from threshold to 1000 eV 미리보기
Straub, H. C American Institute of Physics 1980
2670 저널기사 Absolute partial cross sections for electron-impact ionization of CO~2 from threshold to 1000 eV 미리보기
Straub, H. C American Institute of Physics 1980
2671 저널기사 Absolute partial cross sections for electron-impact ionization of H~2O and D~2O from threshold to 1000 eV 미리보기
Straub, H. C American Institute of Physics 1980
2672 저널기사 Absolute partial cross sections for electron impact ionization of SO~2 from threshold to 1000 eV 미리보기
Lindsay, B. G William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2673 저널기사 Absolute partition coefficients for organic solutes by using Monte Carlo simulations in chloroform/water system/ 미리보기
Tafazzoli, Mohsen North Holland 2000
2674 저널기사 Absolute photoionization cross sections of atomic oxygen 미리보기
Berkowitz, J IOP Pub 1980
2675 저널기사 Absolute photoionization cross sections of the Ba ground state in the autoionization region: I. 238-218 nm 미리보기
Maeda, K IOP Pub 1980
2676 저널기사 Absolute photoyield from chemical vapor-deposited diamond and diamond-like carbon films in the UV 미리보기
Breskin, A American Institute of Physics 1980
2677 저널기사 Absolute pitch and sex affect event-related potential activity for a melodic interval discrimination task 미리보기
Hantz, E. C American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
2678 저널기사 Absolute pKa determination for carboxylic acids using density functional theory and the polarizable continuum model/ 미리보기
Saracino, G. A North Holland 2003
2679 저널기사 Absolute pKa determination for carboxylic acids using density functional theory and the polarizable continuum model/ 미리보기
Saracino, G. A North Holland 2003
2680 저널기사 absolute polarimeter for high energy protons (9 pages)/ 미리보기
Buttimore, N H Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
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