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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
2741 저널기사 Absorbing EU ETS windfall profits and the principle of free allowances: Iberdrola and others 미리보기
Rodriguez, D.P. Kluwer Law International 2014
2742 저널기사 Absorbing Team Games 미리보기
2743 저널기사 Absorbing Technological Spillovers: Simulations in an Evolutionary Framework 미리보기
2744 저널기사 Absorbing the shock of austerity: the experience of local government workers at the front line 미리보기
Annette Hastings ; Maria Gannon Frank Cass 2022
2745 저널기사 Absorbing tissue stories from Brazil - Brazilian tissue producers are on a roll, or so it seems. Marcella Moohan checks out the latest capacity plans in the country and looks at how this sector is likely to fare in the future/ 미리보기
Moohan, Marcella Miller Freeman Publications 2001
2746 저널기사 Absorption accompanied with chemical reaction in trickle-bed reactors 미리보기
Versteeg, G. F Pergamon Press 1980
2747 저널기사 Absorption analysis of a single microparticle by optical force measurement/ 미리보기
Matsuo, Yasutaka American Institute of Physics 2001
2748 저널기사 Absorption and Assimilation of Foliarly Applied Urea in Tomato 미리보기
Nicoulaud, B. A. L American Society for Horticultural Science] 1996
2749 저널기사 Absorption and Desorption of Liquid Water by a Superabsorbent Polyelectrolyte: Role of Polymer on the Capacity for Absorption of a Ground Published online 29 August 2001/ 미리보기
Bakass, M Wiley 2001
2750 저널기사 Absorption and Distribution of Isotopically Labeled Nitrogen in the Hazelnut Tree Following Ground and Foliar Applications/ 미리보기
Olsen, J L International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
2751 저널기사 Absorption and emission spectral studies of Sm^3^+ and Dy^3^+ in PbO-PbF~2 glasses 미리보기
Nachimuthu, P North-Holland 1980
2752 저널기사 Absorption and emission spectra of alkaline-earth atoms in liquid helium: a theoretical study 미리보기
Tang, J.-Z. Shimamura, I. Kimura, M. North Holland 1996
2753 저널기사 Absorption and excretion of paeoniflorin in rats 미리보기
Takeda, S Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
2754 저널기사 Absorption and Excretion of Simmondsin after Different Administration Routes in Rats 미리보기
Flo, G American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1997
2755 저널기사 Absorption and Excretion of the Soy Isoflavone Genistein in Rats 미리보기
King, R. A Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 1980
2756 저널기사 Absorption and Extinction Corrections : 미리보기
FLACK, H. D Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1980
2757 저널기사 Absorption and Extinction Corrections : 미리보기
ALCOK, N. W 1974
2758 저널기사 Absorption and fluorescence properties of tetracoordinated borates: energy versus electron transfer in spirointeractions 미리보기
Rassat, A. Chow, Y. L. Zhang, Y.-H. Zheng, M. X. North Holland 1997
2759 저널기사 Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopic studies on dimerization of chloroaluminum (III) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate in aqueous alcoholic solutions/ 미리보기
윤민중 忠南大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1993
2760 저널기사 Absorption and Increase in the Production of Prenylated Flavanones in Sophora Flavescens Cell Suspension Cultures by Cork Pieces 미리보기
Yamamoto, H Pergamon Press 1996
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