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2761 저널기사 Absorption and luminescence of the surface states in ZnS nanoparticles 미리보기
Chen, W American Institute of Physics 1980
2762 저널기사 Absorption and luminescence spectroscopy of manganese-doped BaSO~4 crystals 미리보기
Guedel, H. U. Brunold, T. C. North Holland 1996
2763 저널기사 Absorption and luminescence spectroscopy of Zn~2SiO~4 willemite crystalsdoped with Co^2^+ 미리보기
Cavalli, E. Guedel, H. U. Brunold, T. C. North Holland 1989
2764 저널기사 Absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spectra of negative metal ion Ag- in KCl crystal/ 미리보기
Tsuboi, Taiju North-Holland 2001
2765 저널기사 Absorption and Metabolism of Lipids in Rats Depend on Fatty Acid Isomeric Position 미리보기
Aoyama, T Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 1980
2766 저널기사 Absorption and mid-infrared emission spectroscopy of Dy^3^+ in Ge-As(or Ga)-S glasses 미리보기
Heo, J North-Holland 1980
2767 저널기사 Absorption and preferential vagina-to-uterus distribution after vaginal administration of 99mTc-pertechnetate in postmenopausal women/ 미리보기
Cicinelli, Ettore American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
Crenshaw, D M 2001
2769 저널기사 Absorption and resonance emission spectra of SO2(X@61A1/C@61B2) calculated from ab initio potential energy and transition dipole moment surfaces/ 미리보기
Xie, Daiqian North Holland 2000
2770 저널기사 Absorption and resonance Raman study of the pyromellitic diahydride anion via density functional theory/ 미리보기
Andruniow, T North Holland 2000
2771 저널기사 Absorption and scattering properties of the Martian dust in the solar wavelengths 미리보기
Ockert-Bell, M. E William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2772 저널기사 Absorption and Translaminar Activity of Abamectin in Apple and Pear Foliage as Determined by Spider Mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) Mortality 미리보기
Beers, E. H Entomological Society of America [etc.] 1980
2773 저널기사 Absorption and translocation of glyphosate in tolerant and susceptible biotypes of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) 미리보기
Westwood, J. H Weed Science Society of America] 1980
2774 저널기사 Absorption and Urinary Excretion of (-)-Epicatechin after Administration of Different Levels of Cocoa Powder or (-)-Epicatechin in Rats/ 미리보기
Baba, S American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 2001
2775 저널기사 Absorption and Urinary Excretion of Quercetin, Rutin, and alphaG-Rutin, a Water Soluble Flavonoid, in Rats/ 미리보기
Shimoi, K American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 2003
2776 저널기사 Absorption and Volume Corrections for a Cylindrical Sample, Larger than the X-ray Beam, Employed in Eulerian Geometry/ 미리보기
COYLE, B.A Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1971
2777 저널기사 Absorption and Volume Corrections for a Cylindrical Specimen, Larger than the Beam, and in General Orientation/ 미리보기
COYLE, BERNARD A Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1972
2778 저널기사 Absorption Characteristics of Alginate Wound Dressings/ 미리보기
Qin, Y Wiley 2004
2779 저널기사 Absorption Characteristics of a Novel Semi-IPN Membrane Based on �Cyclodextrin Toward Testosterone and Progesterone 미리보기
Sreenivasan, K Wiley 1997
2780 저널기사 Absorption coefficient, energy gap, exciton binding energy, and recombination lifetime of GaN obtained from transmission measurements 미리보기
Muth, J. F American Institute of Physics 1980
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